Tablet to Flash: A "Chalk Talk" Application for Diagramming Plays

My latest article for DevX was a fun one, a Tablet application that records pen strokes of a sports play and plays them back in synchrony, to illustrate a sports play.

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Sun and Google misfire

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[What? All the buzz was about [[ Google Toolbar being an optional part of the downloadable Java Runtime Environment]{style="color:windowtext"}]( "")? I wonder if an actually significant announcement fell apart. ]{style="font-size …
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casey calls BS on 'go code something' as a way to employment

::: {.Section1} [casey chesnut, whose propensity for lower-casing his name ticks off Word auto-correction, says that it is a myth that the best way to be hired as a programmer is to code something cool. casey's right. He’s proved by his Web postings that he can write: neural nets to …

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Query refinement generation via neural nets

::: {.Section1} [Scoble laments that when asked “new york hotels” search engines do not know the difference between “hotels named new york ” and “hotels in new york ” (or, to some extent, “new hotels in york ”). Scoble wants the initial search-engine return to include questions intended to refine the search. Danny Sullivan …

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:Ong Bak / Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell reviews

::: {.Section1} [What I did this weekend:]{style="font-size:10.0pt; font-family:Arial"}

[ ]{style="font-size:10.0pt; font-family:Arial"}

[ “Ong Bak: The Thai Warrior” has a lot of buzz about introducing the “next Jackie Chan.” Tony Jaa has amazingly spring-y legs and the movie has a couple of sequences that show …

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Digital physics vs. Pi

::: {.Section1} [Nova Spivack posted this praise of digital physics and Julie Lerman reports that Stephen Wolfram is coming to her neck of the woods. Digital physics, of which Wolfram’s book A Kind of Science hopes to be the Principia, posits the idea that the universe is computational in nature …

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WSJ Article on MSFT Processes / Longhorn Reset

The Wall Street Journal has a good article on what they call a cultural change at Microsoft, which they essentially credit to Jim Allchin and Amitabh Srivastava. Hmmm... Srivastava is certainly respected technically, but Allchin's impending retirement seems to have triggered more glee than tears in the blogosphere. The criticism …

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CTP Madness Solved (at least momentarily)

::: {.Section1} [All week I’ve been trying to synch up Visual Studio versions with SQL Server versions. I finally got the right combo: first intall SQL Server 2005 September CTP (en SQL2005 STD Servers Sept2005.iso and en SQL2005 STD Tools Sept2005.iso) and then VS 2005 Team Suite Release …

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Could a mobile phone be a consumer's only computer?

::: {.Section1} [Philip Greenspun suggests the use of the mobile phone as identity and storage and an “appliance” into which the phone plugs as the general purpose computer used to perform “home” computing tasks (email, browsing, playing games, etc.) Having used Sun’s SunRay thin clients back in the dot-com days …

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OneNote 12 Screenshots from Owen Braun

::: {.Section1} [Owen Braun discusses one of the new organizational features of OneNote 12 (multiple folders) and has a couple of screenshots. ]{style="font-size:10.0pt; font-family:Arial"} :::

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