BZ Media Among Fastest-Growing Private Companies in America

Congratulations to my friends (and employers) at BZ Media, which has made the cut for Inc. Magazine's "5,000 list," ranking the fastest-growing private companies in the US.

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C++0x to Incorporate Standard Threading Model

The working groups of the C++0x committee are working hard to complete a major new standard for C++ (there's a big meeting here in Kona in October). If you're not intimate with C++, you may be surprised that such an important language has not had a standard threading model …

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Tilera 64-core CPU: The Future Cometh

Looks like the only programming tools for Tilera's 64-Core CPU is a C compiler, but the day is fast approaching when we're going to start seeing more and more of these types of tools in the mainstream.

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Why Can't You Distribute The Social Graph?

I don't really follow the discussion about social networking (I guess I'm either a little too old or a little too antisocial to "get" it), but it seems to me that FOAF + OpenID is "ob hack." It seems to me that all that has to happen is that someone writes …

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DSL for the DLR?


"VisitorTests.parsesTheWholeThing(): Lex & Parse: 2765 ms. ReservationCountWalker 282 ms. to find 27327 reservations"

Man, if I could just get …

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Data Volumes Trumping Core Multiplication? Interesting Thought

Bill de h?ra makes an intriguing pitch that programming will be impacted by increasing data volumes more than by the transition to multi-/many-core. His basis is anecdotal -- we don't have the same metaphysical certainty that all of us will be dealing with much-larger datasets as we have the …

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C# Currying Mechanics

Dustin Campbell does a good job explaining the mechanics of currying in C#, although I'm afraid he stops before truly explaining why currying is considered an essential building block of functional programming. He promises to get to that in "the next post" so I won't offer my own take. As …

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Demoscene: Insanely Small Cool Programs

Antonia Vargas sent me some links to some new "demos" (very small programs from which complex graphics and music emerge):

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Ionic-Breeze Chip-Cooling: Good Idea

Purdue researchers have applied the idea of an ionic breeze to cooling computer chips. This seems like a slam-dunk to me: more flexibility than a fan in terms of structure, the ability to generate the wind without a dead layer near the surface, and thereby more efficient. Presumably much quieter …

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Was It That Ass I Coveted?

In the past 96 hours, I've been exposed to:




an earthquake,

a hurricane,

a tsunami watch,

annoying frogs (which, while not exactly toads, are still amphibians), and

\<a href=""" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">annoying crickets (which, while not …

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