Even Though Radio Userland My Blogging Software Has A Builtin Aggregator I Recen

Even though Radio Userland, my blogging software, has a built-in aggregator, I recently paid to register my copy of NewsGator. Even though NewsGator goes out of its way to make it easy to export subscriptions to be reintegrated with the Userland aggregator. My ear infection is too bothersome for me …

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The dullest blog in the world

[The dullest blog in the world]{.557295220-16062003}

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If you want traffic, specialize your content

[Jakob Nielsen's latest AlertBox makes a point about Web publishing that may not be obvious: your influence has very little to do with your ranking in the overall media universe, your influence is based on how coherent your readership is within the niche you target. Game Developer, a magazine I …

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Programmer salary surveys conflict, Gov. says long-term bright, applicants disagree

InfoWorld is reporting a second year of wages essentially flat, with "Developer"s making a median of \\(84,146. Software Development reports a huge post-2000 slowdown, with current compensation of \\)78,000 compared to 2000's \$95K. (SD's survey goes to a much larger sample size than InfoWorld's, but I'm not …

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Do IDEs spoil beginners?

["]{.698445520-15062003}IDEs are very powerful but..... (From Rahul Chaudhary's Weblog) [" via ]{.698445520-15062003}[Artima Weblogs]

[One of the more controversial things in The Book Formerly Known As Thinking In C# is my "strong recommendation" not to use an IDE (specifically, Visual Studio) until at least one has reached the chapters on …

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Java Is a Language for the Masses

["]{.863094020-15062003}Dumbing down the language by not providing more powerfulexpressions is a way of promoting to a wider audience. However, is it the only way of[ ]{.863094020-15062003}supporting[ ]{.863094020-15062003}communites?["]{.863094020-15062003} (From Carlos Perez's Weblog) [via ]{.863094020-15062003}[Artima Weblogs]

[Carlos is talking about Java, and a comment by Gilad Bracha …

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Sketch an interface on the Tablet, get WinForms

[Check it out]{.491135919-15062003}

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Getting ASPNET To Work In Radio Userlandgenerated Pages A Hrefhttpradiouserlandcomstorie

Getting ASP.NET to work in Radio Userland-generated pages.

http://radio.userland.com/stories/storyReader\$8979 tells you how to change the file extension to .aspx

The problem is that Radio Userland generates pages on the client-side, which are then FTP'ed up to the site, but you can't configure Radio …

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He Asked Me What I Had Learned In A Fivemonth Initial Experience With Agile Programming Wow So Many Things I

"He asked me what I had learned [in a five-month initial experience with Agile Programming]. Wow, so many things. I learned...

  • that without a full-time Coach experienced in ATG, TDD was destined for failure.
  • that architects need to be in the trenches on Agile projects.
  • that pair programming and open …
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Radio ID tags get Microsoft backing

["]{.192425217-10062003}The software titan says it is joining a venture to help develop standards for radio frequency tags intended for use in tracking retail goods.["]{.192425217-10062003}[ via ]{.192425217-10062003}[CNET News.com]

[Point-of-sale stuff is only one small application of RFID or, for that matter, any technology having to do with …

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