Lego logic

*David Pescovitz: This person assembled mechanical logic gates from Lego [via]{style="FONT-STYLE: italic"}* [Boing Boing]


p class=MsoNormal style="MARGIN-TOP: 5pt; MARGIN-BOTTOM: 5pt"> Oh man, I love this. One of the Tablet PC games that I’ve imagine is a Boolean logic game. I think it’d be fun …

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Tables of Contents on the Cover and Printed Bellybands

*Advertising Ridiculum Does anybody remember when magazines used to put the table of contents just inside the front cover…Is there a limit to how much magazines are willing to annoy their readers to please their advertisers? via* Eric.Weblog()

The answer is “No, there is not a limit.” The …

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Eddie Would Go

A giant swell has rolled in and the Eddie Aikau Big Wave Invitational is on, with 20-ft. plus waves (that means wave-faces of 30+') in Waimea Bay! Checkout the action. I'm on deadline, otherwise I would have burned up some Hawaiian Airlines frequent flyer miles to jump over to Oahu …

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Caption Contest

It's the guy in back that makes the photo.

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NY Times Notable Books

I'm not even going that I'll get around to reading A history of the first multiethnic upwardly mobile society in America, but the NY Times Notable Books of the Year are out. Here are the fiction ones that look good to me (basically, this is just a reminder to myself …

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The Architecture of the World Wide Web

[The Mountain of Worthless Information] mentioned this but their link was wrong. Important paper.

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Don't Put Wetnotes In Your Laserjet

Ritchie WetNotes are fantastic. They're waterproof paper. So waterproof that you can use them SCUBA diving. So there are some reef-fish whose fieldmarks are really hard to remember, and I have computer notes and drawings. So I thinks to myself, “Self,” I thinks, “I wonder if you can use your …

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"I Am Charlotte Simmons," By Tom Wolfe

Tom Wolfe's I Am Charlotte Simmons is better than I expected. It's not Bonfire of the Vanities or A Man in Full, but below-average Wolfe is still better than 90% of the stuff being passed off for literature nowadays, such as the execrable The Rule of Four which would never …

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Long's Drugs uses a no-longer-secret code to indicate wholesale price on tags

Long's Drugs uses a simple letter/number code to indicate on its price tags the wholesale cost for each item on sale. The code has been cracked [via]{style="FONT-STYLE: italic"} [Boing Boing]

The substitution at Long’s is CHARLESTON (where C = 1, H = 2, etc.). Wal-mart’s code is …

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Kasparov revisited

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[Back in 1997, Garry Kasparov played six rounds of chess against IBM's Deep Blue computer. Kasparov is, possibly, the greatest chess player of all time. He won one round, battled to a draw in three... [via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Alice and]]{style=""}

Apparently there’s a new …

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