Test Geotagged Entry

Two-step (geotags in the HTML)

::: {style="display:none" geo="http://www.w3.org/2003/01/geo/wsg84_pos#"} 19.423791 -155.91163 :::

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Phighting Phish With Honeypot techniques?

Dan Gillmor wonders if there's an effective way to battle scam e-mails. Here's a thought: banks, eBay, CC companies, etc. provide a Web site or Web Service that provides an array of fake userids and passwords that are identified in their back end as “fraudulent.”

  • A savvy person receiving a …
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SyncToy Not Network-Smart, Doesn't Sync Devices

Well, that's a little disappointing. Microsoft's new SyncToy is 3/4 of a great utility, but it requires manual intervention to run, rather than syncing every x minutes or on reconnection to a wireless network. It also does not synchronize directories with PDAs or SmartPhones.

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TIP for Vista Now Available

Well, that was quick. According to Hilton Locke, the TIP is now available for installation in the Vista beta. Maybe I will install Vista on the M1400 after all...

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SyncToy Now Available

SyncToy Beta 1 is now available:


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IntelliSense Doesn't Get Generics

Boy, I hope by November 7 the IntelliSense parser doesn't “helpfully” replace “T” with “ThreadStaticAttribute” all the time.

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Planarity: Addictive Game For the Non-Addictive Gaming Sort

I'm not prone to game “addiction,” but I lost 2 hours to Planarity yesterday and am trying to keep myself from clicking through right now...

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Indigo == WCF && Avalon == WPF? WTF?

One wonders what the rationale is for changing the names of programmer-level layers from fairly memorable brands to utterly forgettable TLAs.

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Vista on a Tablet? Check Back Soon...

Well, there's a nice coincidence -- a brand-new (well, used, but not by me) M1400 and the Longhorn / Vista beta. In the words of the immortal James Doohan, “How do they mix? I'll let you know...”

Update: Microsoftian Hilton Locke warns “many of the user interface items (read: Tablet PC Input …

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Computing With A Pen Is Natural

Loren speaks of hardware driving the success of the Tablet PC, and Iggy agrees, going so far as to say that “computing with a pen is unnatural.”

“Computing with a pen is unnatural.” Okay, I can agree with the words, but only to the extent that it's tied to “computing …

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