Dotcom Tellall Website Sued By Former CEO The ExCEO

Dot-com tell-all Website sued by former CEO. The ex-CEO of a now-defunct company for which I worked is trying to quash Fabian Gonzalez' iMind Parody Site for detailing how the company burned through \$15M in investment while having employees share toilet-cleaning duty.

Substance abuse; first class plane tickets, five-star hotels …

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Baby Sleep Aid Says I Hate You A Vancouver Wash Family Dis

Baby sleep aid says: "I hate you". "a Vancouver, Wash., family discovered that the toy they unsuspectingly attached to their son's crib utters the words "I hate you" amid the rhythmic ocean sounds designed to lull the baby asleep." Link Discuss (Thanks, Jeremy!) via [Boing Boing Blog]

This brings back …

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Installed Simon Fells Pingback Client For Radio Yep It Wo

Installed Simon Fell's pingback client for Radio. Yep! It works like a charm. Awesome. Okay, so much for my Trackback server! I guess I'll re-implement it as a pingback server!

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Esoteric Computer Languages Anyone Who Hasnt Seen This

Esoteric computer languages. Anyone who hasn't seen this already should check it out. This site is sort of a clearing house for bizarre programming languages, designed either to annoy the user or to explore odd programming paradigms (often both). My personal favorites are Unlambda (functional programming in hell) and Befunge …

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Bacteria Memory Scientists Have Successfully Stored

Bacteria Memory. Scientists have successfully stored information into artificial DNA strands and injected them into bacteria that maintained the data by reproducing. via [The Daily Nugget]

So... has anyone done the obvious corollary to this and looked for a smiley face embedded in the human genome? 

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25 Pathetic Attempts To Make NET Look BadnbspFun Stuff

25 Pathetic Attempts to Make .NET Look Bad Fun stuff, especially the comments.

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Met With Serguei Dmitriev And Eugene Belyaev Of JetBrains The Makers Of IDEA The Bes

Met with Serguei Dmitriev and Eugene Belyaev of JetBrains, the makers of IDEA, the best IDE for Java. I was trying to show them some of Marin, but just as we got to the ocean, it started pouring. "We're from Russia," they said, undeterred. We walked for, oh, 3 minutes …

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The Future Is Not Objects Managage Code Is Languageneutral Rightnbsp Nonbsp Rig

The future is not objects

Managage code is language-neutral, right?  No!  Right now the CLI is very much tilted in favor of Object-Oriented languages (C++, C#, VB, Java).  This is fine for now, but looking around the computing landscape leads me to a hypothesis:

Hypothesis: The interesting programming models in …

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No Title

....Arguing whether keyword synchronized is better than keyword lock is all well and good, but it's irrelevant to why .NET is going to become the dominant platform for software development....: An article I posted to the DOTNET-CX mailing list today.

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