While Debating Whether To Take A 3month Java Programming C

While debating whether to take a 3-month Java programming contract (short of Microsoft suddenly deciding they need a Bay Area-based mobilized computing evangelist, it looks like I'll be spending the winter in Denver), I wrote a quick little application that creates Outlook 2003 tasks and notes from ink. Try it …

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Friend Assemblies

...a new feature in next release of .NET -- "Friend Assemblies", that does precisely what you're suggesting. It will use an assembly-level custom attribute called "InternalsVisibleTo", that grants access to a named "friend" assembly (Omer.B in this example) -- for all "internal" types...John Lam describes how friend assemblies will be …

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Making developers more productive with ink

4. Ink comments in source code. Doesn't it make sense for ink comments to be embeddable in source code? 5. New programming models. Over the years people have tried various visual programming methodologies, but nothing sticks. Programming may just be a hard problem in general to solve... via [Incremental Blogger …

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Those pesky Word comments

That makes two of us k2!

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Mono Project Roadmapnbspvia A Hrefhttpwwwmicrosoftwat

Mono project roadmap via [Microsoft Watch]

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JPEG Photo Annotation

Now with JPEG compression

Blogged on a Tablet PC

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Ink Annotation

o Fledgling vermiculated screech Owl

blogged on a tablet pc

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VSIP Extensions To Visual Studio NET Gains Managed Extensions Y

VSIP (extensions to Visual Studio .NET) gains managed extensions. You can now write VS add-ins in .NET code. That's very nice. Refactoring tools, anyone? via Sam (who, incidentally, says Matrix Revolutions rocks)

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Benjamin Mitchell Says That A Hr

Benjamin Mitchell says that Chris Sells and I have missed the point when we fret. Benjamin says: "The mistake being made here is to think that the value of authors is based around conveying factual knowledge." I can't speak for Chris, but I don't think I'm making that mistake. I …

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4.0GB partitition too small for Longhorn & VS.NET Whidbey.

I installed my Longhorn on VMWare with a 4GB partition (thinking in terms of "Hey, it's one DVD for backup"). That's too small for Longhorn and a reasonable install of VS.NET Whidbey (If you install nothing but the minimal C# support, you end up with 3.93GB consumed!).

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