A Long Weekend With The Kindle: Programmers, Take Note

The first thing that must be said about the Kindle is that the screen technology -- eInk -- is vastly more readable than any screen you've read from before. Pause. No, seriously, vastly more readable. My wife, no technologist, actually used the word "wow," and after reading a page opined that it …

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Scientists Invent Insect-Brained Robots: Science Fiction Writers Sue for Copyright Infringement

U. of Arizona researchers have built a robot that's guided by the brain of a moth. I assume the resulting rampage can only be stopped by cantilevering a lightbulb over the rim of the Grand Canyon.

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Morality and Code

Darryl Taft's article "Toward a Discussion of Morality and Code" is quickly side-tracked into an exhortation that software developers should be moral people (recycle your punch cards, yo!). Not discussed is the more interesting question of whether there is a morality within coding decisions and, if so, what the higher …

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Internet-Connected Washing Machines: (Brilliant) Myth?

While reading the latest ThinkGeek ad copy, I find:

[W]e're jealous of today's students. They can now go online to find out if any washers are open, pay for the laundry with their student ID, and then receive an e-mail alert when the washer and/or dryer is done …

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VS2008 Ships: LINQ is the Standout Feature

\<a href="http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/vstudio/default.aspx"" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Visual Studio 2008 has shipped.

This is a very compelling upgrade, primarily because of Language-Integrated Query (LINQ), a new feature that is supported in the mainstream .NET languages VB and C# and will almost certainly …

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Kindle Me

Amazon has shipped the Kindle, which I think may very well be the game-changing device the eBook market has been waiting for. Compatibility with PDF, plaintext, HTML, "Kindle format" (structured HTML), plus free EVDO connectivity, plus email-your-document-to-the-Kindle (killer). Books are \$9.99. If O'Reilly puts Safari on this thing, they'll …

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SyncLinq: Haven't Tried It, But Love The Concept

Paul Stovell is working on a project he calls "SyncLINQ" which provides databinding over LINQ queries. Although I've not yet tried SyncLINQ, it's clearly a great idea. [via Steve Pietrek Links (11/15/2007)]

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Shiny Buckshot Rather Than Silver Bullets

Wes Moise's musings on Supercompilation led me to this discussion of the the myth of the sufficiently smart compiler.

The "sufficiently smart compiler" is still trotted out regularly, even though the market has moved away from demanding even moderate attention to performance at the compiler level. Have you timed your …

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Bob the "programmer"

I realize that the preceding may, in fact, make me appear to be a hot-head. In fact, I may be a hot-head. But I think if there's one thing that we should value, it's our time. I spent an hour trying to "clear the cache" because he uploaded a file …

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...for sufficiently small values of "programmer"

So we've got a page that allows clients to edit email addresses. Turns out that if there are no email addresses associated, the "Add an email" link doesn't show up. I glance at the page and see that the button is inside the loop that's iterating over the emails (this …

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