iOS 8, Scene Kit @ 60FPS, programmed in F#, using Xamarin.iOS

I have the best job in the world:

[code lang="fsharp"]
namespace SceneKitFSharp

open System
open MonoTouch.UIKit
open MonoTouch.Foundation
open MonoTouch.SceneKit
open MonoTouch.CoreAnimation

type MySceneKitController () =
inherit UIViewController()

override this.ViewDidLoad () =
let scene = new SCNScene ()

//Positions everyone!
let boxNode = new SCNNode ()
boxNode.Geometry \<- new SCNBox(
Width = 1 …

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Using Xamarin.Forms.Maps: You have to Init() first!

The first time I wrote a Xamarin.Forms.Maps program, I couldn't figure out why my map wasn't appearing. And then I put a call to Xamarin.FormsMaps.Init() into the AppDelegate (iOS) and MainActivity (Android):


[code lang="csharp"]
public class App
public static Page GetMainPage ()
return new ContentPage …

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I think BASIC's greatest strength may be that it was something that many people -- not just those with a particular background -- could learn. There was no gatekeeper, either literally or figuratively: you didn't have to push punchcards under a bank-teller window nor did you have to learn recursion before learning …

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Reviewing Values for iOS UIViewContentMode with Xamarin and F#

Who can remember the scaling behavior of UIView.ContentMode? Not me!

So I wrote this quick little F# program to review them:

[code lang="fsharp"]
namespace Simple

open System
open MonoTouch.UIKit
open MonoTouch.Foundation
open System.Drawing

type ContentView ( color : UIColor ) as self =
inherit UIView ()
self.BackgroundColor \< - color …

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Review of my Xamarin F# Event Code Leads To Improvements

Not at all surprisingly, it turns out that F# events need not be the crufty structures I showed in my previous post.

First, Xamarin's David Siegel suggested "Let the Event type be inferred, don't define a delegate type, and send simple typed values rather than EventArgs:"

open System

type Control …

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Review of my first real F# program written in Xamarin

tl;dr: F# has a long learning curve (it takes a long time to master) but productivity happens quickly.

I recently wrote my first real application in F#. Although I've been using F# for many of my scripting needs for about a year and use F# to explore iOS APIs …

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F# iOS Program: 39 lines of code

Xamarin loves F#!


Of course you can use F# to program iOS and Android applications using Xamarin and Visual Studio!

[code lang="fsharp"]
namespace Simple

open System
open MonoTouch.UIKit
open MonoTouch.Foundation
open System.Drawing

type ContentView ( color : UIColor ) as self =
inherit UIView ()
self.BackgroundColor \< - color

type SimpleController …

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Cheatsheet for iOS 7 Design Sizes


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Natively Recognize Barcodes/QR Codes in iOS 7 with Xamarin.iOS

There have been great barcode-reading libraries available for Xamarin for some time, but iOS 7 has built-in barcode-recognition support.

There's only one tricky bit: you have to tell the AVCaptureMetadataOutput what types of barcodes you're interested in after you've added it to the AVCaptureSession. (I suppose what happens behind the …

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