Visual Studio Tools For Outlook Beta Download

VSTO for Outlook Beta just became available on MS Downloads. I can't wait to take a look.

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Python for Series 60 Phones

Oh man, I wish Windows Smartphones had this.

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David Treadwell On Longhorn, Managed Code, WinFX, IronPython, and VS2005 Whidbey Release Schedules

Just got off the phone with David Treadwell, Corporate Vice President of the .NET Developer Platform. Naturally, we started and ended the talk with the blogosphere's current buzz about ".NET 2.0 Breaks Apps" and "Longhorn Isn't Being Built On Managed Code." Along the way, we touched upon languages, optimization …

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$46B To Deploy $50B Of Technology

Tim Bray says that of \\(96B in gross revenue, IBM's consulting services earned \\)46B.

This is one of those datapoints that could fit into a couple of preconceived notions: supporting the OS business model (“The money's in consulting / support, not software sales!“), damning the OS business model (“If they used …

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Breaking News - San Jose police link severed finger in Wendy's chili case to suspect

Isn't that taking “let the punishment fit the crime,” a step too far?

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Visual Studio 2005 Pricing and Bundle Changes

Rick LaPlante just announced that:

  • A version of Team Foundation Server will be included with all role-based SKUs (no additional purchase)
  • MSDN/U subscribers can upgrade to Team Suite for \$2300 and “Renewals continue at the promotional price for as long as you are an active subscriber.“

Once again proving …

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GC Performance Counters

Good article on tracking garbage collection related problems.

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Whidbey Beta 2 Ate My Newsgator?

Anyone else experience sudden Newsgator flakiness after installing Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2? Suddenly, Outlook regularly puts Newsgator into it's “disabled” list (Accessible via “About/Disabled Items”. I then have to restart to get Newsgator back running, but it's prone to disappearing again.) Also, it looks like my posting plug-in …

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Microsoft Reverses Stance on Diversity!

Steve Ballmer concluded that: “diversity in the workplace is such an important issue for our business that it should be included in our legislative agenda....Accordingly, Microsoft will continue to join other leading companies in supporting federal legislation that would prohibit employment discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation – adding …

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Getting Things Done With OneNote Flags

Chris Pratley has a great blog entry on Note Flags in which he discusses “the awesome power of Note Flags Summary.”

I thought I’d supplement that with my “Getting Things Done”-inspired OneNote organization. First, I’ve customized my Note Flags to be color-coordinated and GTD-like:

Second, I organize …

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