1/3 of Linux Developers Say They'll Use Mono / Dot Gnu

The latest SD Times has a graphic showing that 31.7% of Linux developers said they planned to develop for Mono or Dot Gnu. The blurb highlights the "Undecided" attitude of 55.9% of the surveyed, but I think that almost 1/3 of Linux developers apparently being eager to …

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"Code Complete 2nd Edition": Worth the Wait

In the preface to the first edition of Code Complete, Steve McConnell writes "I was sure when I conceived this book that someone else would already have written a book on effective construction practices .by someone who was knowledgeable enough about the theoretical state of the art but who was …

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Tablet Love

I love the TabletPC. One reason is that, like many writers, I have an abiding love for the physical act of putting pen to paper (or, for the past 18 months, pen to screen). I have a few "nice" pens, a couple Mont Blancs, two Watermans, and I use those …

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Thinktecture: Blogs As Micromarketing Tools

I bet that a good 50% of the readers of this blog already know about thinktecture, a company that's less than 24-hours old. Because of blogging, I'm the #1 Google return for various queries about programming airline reservation systems, which is how I keep myself in Jolt Cola and Doritos …

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Julien Dumky Couvreur Comments On My Sonard

Julien (Dumky) Couvreur comments on my sonar-discovery thoughts:

"Some problems for measuring distances: -don't you only measure the distances modulo the wavelength?"

Yes...*scratch on back of envelope*... holy cow, those are much shorter than I realized...So much for pure tones; you'd have to use a complex waveform. Which …

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Bluetooth as a PC mike?

I lost my Bluetooth phone (actually, I put it in a McDonald's bag for "safe-keeping" at a beach known for car theft and neglected to mention to Tina that she shouldn't toss the bag in the garbage). I have a Jabra bluetooth headset which works(-ed) great and I thought …

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Sonar-Based Auto-Discovery

I was thinking about Loren's concept of a virtual array-microphone on my[  ]{style="mso-spacerun: yes"}walk this morning. I was breaking it down into simplest cases and came[  ]{style="mso-spacerun: yes"}up with an interesting software idea.

The simplest case is locating a tone-generator on a straight line between[  ]{style …

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Clippy, User Experiences, and Microsoft Search

Chris Pratley blogs of Clippy: ...A big part of the Assistant plan was to use it as the gateway to help. You could click on the Assistant and ask it questions in normal English (or other language depending on your version of Office)....it did not do this as it …

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Mono Beta 1 Release

The Mono team has announced the beta 1 release of Mono. Read the release notes here or download here.

via [Cook Computing]


p class=ngrelatedlinks align=left> Have you tried Mono? Do you think that it's an important project, a sideshow, or somehow negative (e.g., "All that effort shouldn't …

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