Is the ACM Shilling for Sun?

As part of the ACM, one receives free unlimited access to the ACM Professional Development Centre. The PD Centre is hosted at the Sun Learning Center (the "centre" at the "center") and to say that it's Sun-centric is an understatement (they have recently added 5 courses on .NET fundamentals, but …

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Should a Weblog just be questions?

For this month, aside from occasional out-link posts, all of my posts will be in the form of questions. I hope to increase the amount of feedback I get, both in my comments and directly to my email address ( More importantly, I hope to break down the …

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Chat with Bruce Schneier May 5, 11 AM PDT


Homeland Security and Other So-Called Solutions:

A Conversation with Bruce Schneier

Editor in Chief Alexandra Weber Morales interviews security and cryptography expert Bruce Schneier, author of Applied Cryptography, Secrets and Lies and, most recently, Beyond Fear:

Thinking Sensibly About Security in an Uncertain World.

If you're looking …

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The Pascal String Challenge

The Pascal String Challenge is to compose a blog entry that is exactly 255 characters and link back to Joe Gregorio's original post. Markup characters, titles, and permalinks do not count. The joke relies on Pascal's fixed-length string storage strategy.

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Fantastic Flying Discs

An amazing collection of the art of the flying disc or frisbee^tm^. via [Delta Tango Bravo]

There were only 3000 charcoal HDXs ever made? Sheesh, I had like 10 of 'em; they were my favorite disc when they came out.

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OPML import for OneNote

If you have OneNote 1.1 preview installed, you can now import OPML outlines.  .... The source and executable are located here.  via [Better Living Through Software]

Nice. Works for me.

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Live on a thumb drive?

With USB drives of 128-256MB now commodities, is it possible to carry your: Internet Favorites, My Documents, Outlook .pst and Outlook settings on your keychain? The real question is whether its possible to either:

  • set the appropriate user directories to a drive that disappears when the flash drive is removed …
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The OneNote API: Hints Only

Donovan Lange has posted the first concrete info on the OneNote Service Pack API. Unfortunately, he doesn't quite give enough details for even a hacking attempt: we'll need the XML schema that describes import data and how to construct the GUID required by the "navigate to page" function.

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Microsoft and The World Poker Tour

There's a show called World Poker Tour. Every week they show the final table of 9 players from a tournament in which a couple of hundred people compete. Week after week, this is what you see:

  • A small elite of tournament pros who get to the final tables time after …
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Cruel and Unusual Music

From the AP wire:

FALLUJAH, Iraq - In Fallujah's darkened, empty streets, U.S. troops blast AC/DC's "Hell's Bells" and other rock music full volume from a huge speaker, hoping to grate on the nerves of this Sunni Muslim city's gunmen and give a laugh to Marines along the front …

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