HP Will Push NETA
HP will push .NET. Personally, I don't think of HP as a major force in influencing software development.
more ...HP will push .NET. Personally, I don't think of HP as a major force in influencing software development.
more ...Liberty Alliance plans interoperability with Passport. Significantly good news.
more ...NY Times has published the 10 Most Beautiful Experiments in Science. I can accept that nothing from Computer Science made the list, but to snub Michelson-Morley? An outrage!
more ...Went to Stan Kelly-Bootle's 73rd birthday party last night. I drank like a fish, ate nothing, buttonholed Steve Bourne (Bourne shell, President of the ACM) about my attack on P != NP, got so wasted I sang Leaving of Liverpool. Stan, meanwhile, mesmerized 3 young women and then drank them under …
more ...Make that twelve secret herbs and spices: pot sold at a local KFC
more ...I was looking for images for a slide called "stateless by design" and somehow came across this collection of lurid pulp magazine covers. Totally cool! Now I'll have to change my talk so that somehow I can use Death Hitches A Ride. Hmmm... maybe something on deterministic finalization?
We had a major spider ballooning event today! I saw the first pieces from our house and then, from the top of Pine Mountain where I went to walk the dog more than a mile later, which is about 2 miles and almost exactly across the wind from us. It …
more ...Since everyone else is doing it, I guess I'll brag that I got my Everett beta last Thursday! Neener, neener, neener! We're all under NDA, which sucks, because I've got some Compact .NET Framework yellin' to do.
more ...Just because I'm so freakin' pissed off at the government for playing stupid about the use of hijacked planes as guided missiles (what, you're telling me that Cheney doesn't read Tom Clancy?), here's Article 2 of the UN Charter.
more ...Good heavens! Mac only has 2.2% Global Operating Systems marketshare? *nixs don't even show up on the study, which seems pretty dang fishy to me; surely UNIX/Linux's command significant shares of the server market, but could it be that the number of servers is so small in comparison …
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