William Gibson Wants Lies Exposed In Telltale Colors

William Gibson wants lies exposed in telltale colors. Now that would be a good demo of P2P and Avalon!

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Oh My Favorite Demo Of The Whole Show Was One I Got On A Bus Ride Steven Burns Showed Me The Longhorn Shell Which Advances

Oh, my favorite demo of the whole show was one I got on a bus ride! Steven Burns showed me the Longhorn Shell, which advances the "pipes and filters" pattern of UNIX by piping not text streams, but object streams! So, for instance, you can grab all the currently running …

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Borland Was Showing Delphi For NET At The PDC BorCon Is Next Week You Migh

Borland was showing Delphi for .NET at the PDC. BorCon is next week: you might want to bring your credit card.

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The First Modeling Tool From Microsofts New A Hrefhttpmsdnmicrosoftcomvstudioproductinfoenterprisedefaultaspxpul

The first modeling tool from Microsoft's new "Whitehorse" initiative expresses deployment topologies and the constraints that work upon them (e.g., by dropping a "Hardened IIS" component in your DMZ and a "Web Services" component in your middle-tier and connecting them, you are expressing a whole slew of constraints about …

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At One Of The CLR Evolution Talks I Disagreed With The Prevailing Notion That Serving The Needs Of The Current Lang

At one of the CLR evolution talks, I disagreed with the prevailing notion that serving the needs of the current language community should be of paramount concern. To me, interop trumps language fidelity. It is only via interop that minority programming languages can enter the corporate market. Crown-jewel software is …

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MS Languages Diverge in Whidbey

For the past two years, convergence has been the theme in Microsoft languages. Visual Basic .NET was a significant break from VB6 and is a very similar experience to programming in C#; Managed C++ gained the use of visual forms design; everything worked inside Visual Studio .NET. The theme of …

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Peter Draytons Back

Peter Drayton's back!

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Micropayments, writing, and independent software crafting...

...as the drunks say, you can't fall off the floor. Anyone offering content free gains an advantage that can't be beaten, only matched, because the competitive answer to free -- "I'll pay you to read my weblog!" -- is unsupportable over the long haul....In a world of free content, even the …

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I just visited Text America's PDC Photoblog and saw Don Box's face smiling out...

I just visited Text America's PDC Photoblog and saw Don Box's face smiling out at me. I wonder how to make photo blogs more useful. Thanks to those of you who posted photos. via [The Scobleizer Weblog]

This is why I ended up generating FOAF from Outlook the other day …

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