C# and VB Compilers Being Rewritten in Themselves; "Immutable" attribute coming?

Darryl Taft interviews Luca Bolognese, Group Program Manager for languages at MS, and comes up with some interesting hints.

The lede revolves around MS' plans to make the compilers more "open" (as in an open can of beer) by providing a "compiler-as-a-service" facility. On face value, "compiler-as-a-service" doesn't make much …

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Five Years Ago In Language-Oriented Programming

Five years ago I called attention to Language-Oriented Programming, which is now coming to fruition in the form of products such as JetBrains' MPS and Intentional Software's Intentional Workbench: http://www.knowing.net/index.php/2004/11/22/language-oriented-programming/

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Pirating Reputation in the Consulting Market

A cautionary tale from the iPhone market in which a successful app developer discovered that an unscrupulous development house included his product in their portfolio.

I can attest that this happens. I have had direct experience with a component that, in retrospect, was almost certainly stolen and reverse-engineered. When confronted …

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Astrophotography: Registax and Vado HD

Registax needs a VFW H264 compressor in order to process video from the Vado HD camera. After installing DTS x264 Vfw 01.22.2007 things seem to work.

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Mortgage Meltdown Financial Instrument is NP-Complete

Complex derivatives are "intractable" -- you can't tell if they're being tampered with - Boing Boing.

Determining if a "Collateralized Debt Obligation" was tampered with is a "densest subgraph" problem, which is NP-Complete. Which is a fine thing to depend a global economy on.

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Stellarvue Refractor Telescopes: Stellar Service (See What I Did There?)

I had put off buying a telescope my entire adult life because I knew that you had to spend a good amount of money for quality and that, when it comes to a hobby that revolves around fleeting glimpses of faint and fuzzy objects, you must have confidence in your …

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Posting Ink to My Blog

::: {#scid:31C7882A-CF45-4fcc-A614-7A5A52E598FF:4c46b732-6efe-4c73-b747-0824d3a14bd3 .wlWriterEditableSmartContent style="padding-bottom: 0px; margin: 0px; padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 0px; display: inline; float: none; padding-top: 0px"} :::

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Coding style in tag-based languages

HTML is typically formatted to show structural containment:

   <p>Some paragraph.</p>
   <p>Next para.</p>
      <li>item 1</li>
      <li>item 2</li>

Code is typically formatted to show flow-of-control:

node = tree.append "Topic 1"
node.append "Some paragraph."
node.append "Next para."
list …
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Looking for an excellent developer who believes that quality is the best route to productivity?

I have recently finished an engagement with a client and am footloose and fancy free.

If anyone is looking for an excellent developer with an object-oriented bias and a deep belief that to improve productivity teams should concentrate on quality, please drop me a line at lobrien "at" knowing "dot …

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Google Releases Their "Closure" JavaScript Library

Google Code Blog: Introducing Closure Tools.

Given Google's resources, goals, and products, this automatically becomes a leading candidate as a "standard library" for developers doing JavaScript work (i.e., anyone working with the Web). Not sure of its overlap / incompatibility with other major libraries, but this will definitely reward study …

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