Im Trying To Stretch The Definition Of Holiday Season Over The Weekend As An Excuse For Hacking Up An XBack Serve

I'm trying to stretch the definition of "holiday season" over the weekend as an excuse for hacking up an xBack server for .NET that works with intermittently-connected Radio clients (the cool thing about Radio Userland is that it runs locally on your work machine and uploads static HTML pages …

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Friday Five 1 Do You Wear Any Jewelry What Kind

Friday Five

1. Do you wear any jewelry? What kind?

I wear my gold claddagh wedding ring.

2. How often do you wear it?

I only take it off when I'm swimming / diving.

3. Do you have any piercings? If so, where?

I have a pierced ear, but haven't worn …

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I Had Fun Over The Holidays Jazzing Around With A Hrefhttpwwwthinkinginnetstories20030102cGeneticAlgorithmsForProb

I had fun over the holidays, jazzing around with genetic algorithms, C#, and the Pocket PC. Time to go back to work and finish some articles...

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Why Is Pingback Track

Why is pingback / trackback a good design? Why isn't the referer [sic] header the way to automatically track pages that link to you? I was thinking of writing a pingback server for .NET, but on closer look, it seems inelegant. I only had a few hours sleep last night / this …

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Friday Five 1 What Was Your Biggest Accomplishment This Year ST

Friday Five:

1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year?

Writing Thinking in C#, a 1,000-page technical book. Although I started it in September of 2001, I did 80% of the work in 2002. * *

2. What was your biggest disappointment?

Despite having the content of Thinking in C# essentially …

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MS Must Ship Suns Java

MS Must Ship Sun's Java

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Mmmm DirectX From C

Mmmm.... DirectX from C#...

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According To The Register Microsoft Is Lining U

According to the Register, Microsoft is lining up to buy Macromedia. It's Flash they want. via [Scripting News]

Ah, now this makes sense. Not because of the anti-J2EE nonsense in the Register article, but 90% because of Flash and 10% because of Cold Fusion. The Price:Book ratio for Macromedia …

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Joe Strummer RIP The One Time I Saw Joe Strummer I

Joe Strummer, RIP. The one time I saw Joe Strummer in concert was when he was singing vocals for The Pogues. Oh man, that was a good concert. Well, I guess I know what's on the turntable today...

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DirectX 9 ReleasednbspIncluding M

DirectX 9 Released. Including managed libraries and C# support! Woo-hooo! Note that you have to download not just the DirectX for C# SDK, but the DirectX SDK 9.0 Developer Runtime in order to get the Managed Direct X (MDX) libraries.

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