Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-04

  • The inevitable evolution of those ads seeking "ninja" developers. Are you a UI Assassin? #
  • Lazyweb : How to get root or even just shell access on an Astak Security DVR? #
  • Fred Brooks has a new book out: …
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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-28

  • RT @rickasaurus: Astronomers Find Black Holes Do Not Absorb Dark Matter #space #
  • Conservatives reacting with same fury & dismay that liberals reacted to Iraq 7 yrs ago. My theory: "we'll muddle along." #
  • Resolver One (Python-powered and -programmable spreadsheet) is one of my 2-3 top new apps in …
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But this... Is not our planet. This is ... Puna.

Adrian Brody and company go mauka from MacKenzie Park and get some stink-eye.

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