What Makes A Programming Language?

Bill de h?ra's post on the language's he's used in the past year contains the provocative thought "...some people are looking at things like HTTP and Ant and CSS and wondering whether they are really programming languages....[T]hey are either replacing or reducing the raw coding I used …

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Tim Bray on Frameworks (But Not .NET)

Tim Bray compares Frameworks (Source: Still done seeking). I largely agree with Tim Bray's analysis, particularly the point that all major web frameworks will scale sufficiently and that, in the long run, maintainability is likely to be the most important factor in the attractiveness of a framework.

By that token …

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New Island Emerges From Ocean

Off Tonga, a volcanic island has emerged from the depths. How cool must that be to see?

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Passports in lead foil

img img Alan Zeichick explains why if you must get a new passport, you should invest in a lead foil billfold.

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Puerto Rico Board Game (hReview)

::: {.hreview} A Board Game That Adults Can Play {#a-board-game-that-adults-can-play .summary}


by [[Larry O'Brien]{.fn}]{.reviewer .vcard}

[product]{.type style=""} Image of Puerto Rico

::: {.item .fn} Puerto Rico :::


Visiting friends gave me the opportunity to coerce a try of Puerto Rico, a very well-reviewed board game. Unlike most people who review board …

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To The PR Person Who Called At 6AM

I'm really not upset. It's the price I pay to work out of my house in Hawaii. I normally keep West Coast hours, and just a week ago, during Daylight Savings Time, I would have been checking my emails and drinking coffee at 6. So please feel free to call …

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Database Refactoring & Ruby

I don't do a lot of database work, I believe in rendering unto the DBA that which is the DBA's. But ya got's to pay the bills, so I've been doing some refactoring work on a database. While flirting with RedGate's SQL Dependency Tracker, I finally figured out how to …

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OneNote Section: Product Keys / Serials

This is probably obvious, but my life has been eased since I've created a OneNote section called "Product Keys" and used it to store serial numbers and keys.

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SQL Injection Bug Defined

Joel Spolsky briefly explains this very common security defect. Because my last name (O'Brien) contains an apostrophe, I'm particularly conscious of how common is this vulnerability.

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Tech Ed 2007 Not In New Orleans: I Wish They'd Reconsider

This has been around for a month, but I wanted to lament that Microsoft has cancelled their plans to hold next year's major conferences in New Orleans. New Orleans is one of my favorite cities (and is a great place to ~~get really drunk~~ hold a conference) and certainly needs …

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