Why no Microsoft Reader for Smartphone?

::: {.Section1} Rory wants Reader for his Audiovox SMT5600. Me, too!  :::

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Geek Notes 2005-02-23

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[ XSLTO – Wow. This is a much friendlier way to do XSLT – in C#. I’m with Craig on this one… less XML-as-a-programming-language. [Via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Geek Noise]]{style=""}

Suh-weet! :::

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Plasmonics, Schmasmonics!

Everyone is all abuzz about plasmonic invisibility, which renders things invisible by preventing them from scattering light. But if you actually read the preprint it's predictably far from a Romulan cloaking device. First, it only cloaks objects that are about the same size as the wavelength of the radiation hitting …

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Google Maps Hacking Wiki

There's a wiki for sharing tricks for hacking Google Maps. Dotted IP for the address, so we'll see how long it stays up, but for now...

God. Ever have one of those weeks when you think one thing is going to take, like half a day, and then there it …

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Code metric tools

::: {.Section1} Eric Gunnerson is listing tools that provide code metrics for .NET (check the comments, too).  As a development manager, I always wanted to like code metrics, thinking they could give me insight into a codebase I couldn’t stay intimately familiar with. However, most developers don’t like them …

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Classic cartoon themes as MP3s

Mike's Classic Cartoon Themes and Images has downloadable music from cartoons old and new Link [via]{style="FONT-STYLE: italic"} [Boing Boing]

The unbelievable thing is that I remember, like, all of the cartoons that debuted from 5 years before my birth to those that debuted when I was in Junior …

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7 +- 2 Urban Legend

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One thing that always triggers off a mini-rant in my mind is misuse of 7 +- 2 urban legend... via [Cook Computing]

Me too. The part that drives me crazy is that people think it has something to do with menu design. Not even close. :::

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Annotating the planet

Jon Udell's walking tour / GPS / Google maps screencast is absolutely stunning. I have GPS / photo montages locked up in proprietary software (DeLorme mapping software), but this is incredibly inspiring.  I haven't read his links on how he actually built it -- I can't wait to start doing something similar for the …

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Good movie for Larry Summers

::: {.Section1} Tina and I saw “Aliens of the Deep” when we were in San Francisco. We liked it more than Greenspun, but his description of the climax as “big-eyed snails who’ve built themselves an Indian casino” is perfect:

James Cameron, director of the movie Titanic, goes 3000' to 10 …

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Comparing Collaboration Technologies

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This site is a candy store. OpenSourceCMS gathers together a large number of CMS-ish apps (classic CMS, Wikis, Blogs, Forums and more) into one testable site. The server gets rebuilt every two hours, but in that time, you can try out a number of apps, including such fan favourites …

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