Polyblogging Doesnt Scale At All Last Week I Was Heavily Involved With The Wedding Of Two Friends And So

Polyblogging doesn't scale at all. Last week, I was heavily involved with the wedding of two friends and so passed on attending TechEd (and SD Times balked at paying my freight anyway). But, with a Microsoft & .NET Watch due next week (my latest, on Bayesian spam filters, is up), I …

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Attempting To Restore Files Now Please Continue Ignoring The CSS Madness Okay It Looks Like I Managed To Move St

~~Attempting to restore files now... Please continue ignoring the CSS madness.~~ Okay, it looks like I managed to move stuff over from one machine to the Tablet. Design sense aside (I know that it's pretty ugly), is my layout (three columns plus header and footer) on the homepage rendering properly …

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Back on the air

My 18-month old Siemens Speedstream SS2623 WAP stopped working over the course of a few days. I was preparing to officiate at some friends' wedding, and actually delayed doing something techie for doing something social -- who says old dogs can't learn new tricks? Anyway, the wedding went great: I didn't …

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Breaking VMs and smart cards by physical heating.

By physically heating a chip and causing random bit-flipping, a Princeton University student managed to get his attack code to run 70% of the time. Apparently, this would be a legitimate assault against smartcards and other "untamperable" computing apparati.

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More on the object-distributed services impedance mismatch

In response to this post, Matthew Adams wrote:

I think we should look at the problem the other way around. OO was a great paradigm for in-process, in-memory software development, but it really doesn't map well to an enterprise (viz orchestrated, out-of-process, distributed) application....I think we should be looking …

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RegEx in XSLT

[Dare Obasanjo's article on MSDN  shows you how to add Regular Expressions to your XSLT transforms. [Via Sam] Just in case you want to increase your job security by writing code that causes people's heads to explode just by looking at it. ]{.141512216-28052003}

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Insanely brilliant idea of the day

John Beimler writes "I'd like to wire in a Bayesian classifier too, and

see if that helps me get the items I like to the top [of my news

aggregator]." http://john.beimler.org/serval_aggregator_first_post.html

Yes. That's a good idea.

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"...I came up with three primary classifications for thinking about

the UML: UmlAsSketch \<http://martinfowler.com/bliki/UmlAsSketch.html> ,

UmlAsBlueprint \<http://martinfowler.com/bliki/UmlAsBlueprint.html> , and


\<http://martinfowler.com/bliki/UmlAsProgrammingLanguage.html> ....one of the problems that I, and some others, are having with UML 2 is because …

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Computer Software Engineers

Bureau of Labor Statistics: Computer software engineers are projected to be the fastest growing occupation over the 2000-10 period.
[Sam Ruby]

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Platform or Plumbing

["]{.827355417-26052003}Here's a question I pose to blogspace: Is the .NET Framework a platform or just better plumbing for the underlying platform?["]{.827355417-26052003}[ via ]{.827355417-26052003}[Harry Pierson's DevHawk Weblog]

[Although I think it makes sense to refer to it as "a platform" in most situations, in the context of this …

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