Tablet PC Gathering at PDC

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*[Via Loren: ]{style="font-size:12.0pt;font-style:italic"}*Going to PDC? Be sure to drop by the [Tablet PC gathering between 3PM and 6PM on Tuesday]( ""). (Los Angeles Convention Center Room 512 …
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Ink-Enabling Office

There's been a deafening silence regarding ink support in Office 12, leading me to suspect that Tom Clarkson's ink in Excel, Loren Heiny's ink in Word, and Josh Einstein's Outlook support may prove a great success for years to come. Perhaps they'll band together to create a virtual ink "suite …

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Katrina Dismay Turning to Anger

Although I know that the first priority still has to be aid, I'm having a hard time keeping the bile down at the government response. Any disaster will involve chaos and bungled plans, but concentrating on preparations for civil emergencies, including the possibility of evacuating a major city, is supposed …

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NDA-Cloaked Posts Hint At Next Big Thing

Given the sudden spontaneous emergence of "Gee, this doesn't have anything to do with anything, but have you thought about how helpful query statements are?" posts going around, I think Friday, September 16 1:00 PM- 2:30 PM Room: 152/153 (Hall F) is going to be the most …

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Zero Blog Bounce Harder Zero Email Bounce

After an initial sweep to clear the spam and no-further-reading-required blog posts, I've got 92 emails in my Inbox and 193 posts in my RSS folder after ten days on the road. Getting to zero email bounce (ZEB) looks to be a lot easier since the next action on individual …

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Knee Pain On Long Flights Solved With Ace Bandage

Just in (to Hawaii) from the East Coast. In the past few years, my left knee has become excruciating on long flights from fluid accumulating due to a combination of long periods of sitting erect and (perhaps) lower air pressure. Yesterday, I wrapped my knee in an ace bandage (not …

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Art Historians Want Side-By-Side PowerPoint, Lament the End of Kodak Carousels

My friend the Art Historian tells me that Kodak has announced that they will cease manufacture of slide carrousels, much to the chagrin of thousands of museums and colleges. He also says that there is a multimillion-dollar market for a presentation program that can show, side-by-side, two randomly-accessed images (i …

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Photo Annotation and EXIF Metadata Editing With Ink

My latest article for DevX shows how to add ink annotations to photos, both on the image itself and within the EXIF metadata headers.

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Interactive WMI Queries with WMI Code Creator Toy

The WMI Code Creator freeware tool is an absolute godsend for anyone trying to plumb the depths of WMI. It allows for interactive exploration of all the namespaces on your computer and even generates C#, VB, or VBScript code to retrieve the value or attach to the events you find …

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Einstein's Riddle in C#

Inspired by Edi Weitz' solution to Einstein's Riddle in Common Lisp (via O'Reilly Radar), I used Andy Chun's NSolver constraint programming library to solve the program using .NET.

Here's a sense of what C# / NSolver looks like:

//The green house's owner drinks coffee
//The person who …

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