Turing's Birthday

Alan Turing was born 95 years ago today. Less than 100 years ago. I know that at the physical level, information processing is nowhere near as dramatic as flight or the rise of the car, but it's still astonishing to reflect upon the advances. I've been drafting an article about …

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NVIDIA's Tesla Takes the Second G Out of GPGPU

NVidia's Tesla C870 Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) will be the basis for a "deskside supercomputer" add-on that will provide highly-parallel high performance computing (HPC) capabilities, presumably programmed with \<a href="http://developer.nvidia.com/object/cuda.html"" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">NVidia's CUDA toolkit.

Dedicated hardware for HPC has …

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Slow Death Of Dev^h^h^h Magazines, Part 38: Once Mighty Ziff Davis Sells Off Enterprise Group In Attempt To Service Debt

Ziff Davis is [selling for \\(150M its Enterprise Group](https://adage.com/section/btob/976), whose assets include *Baseline, CIO Insight, eWeek*, and **microsoft-watch.com.** Unfortunately, that leaves ZD with still around \~\\)240M in debt, which they must pay off using their Consumer/Small Business Group (which published PC Mag …

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Silverlight on Mono: Moonlight

Miguel de Icaza has unveiled "Moonlight," an implementation of Silverlight on Linux by way of Mono. The project was done as a 21-day sprint and while just a prototype, it makes Microsoft's new in-browser managed platform available on the 3 major desktop contenders.

I remain of the opinion that Silverlight …

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The Slow Death of Developer Magazines, Part 37

I was just scanning my latest copy of one of the very last independent software development magazines (independent as in "copy not subject to approval by vendors") and saw an article on REST. It seems intuitive to me that if you're a programming magazine today, you compete on clarity and …

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Pele On The Move?

A big earthquake swarm on the SE side of the island is "consistent with a shallow intrusion of magma" at Kilauea / Pu'u O'o. They don't predict eruptions, but I have a feeling that Pele might be restless. Luckily, that's 60 miles away and on the other side of a 13 …

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Why Do I Keep Giving Antivirus Companies My Money?

This isn't "fool me twice, shame on you," it's like "fool me every freakin' year for the past decade." At least Norton 360 doesn't seem to consume huge portions of my CPU constantly.

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Interested in Deep Understanding of Concurrency? Read Mark McKeown

I hesitate to call Mark McKeown's \<a href="http://betathoughts.blogspot.com/2007/06/brief-history-of-consensus-2pc-and.html"" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">Brief History of Consensus, 2PC, and Transaction Commit (via just about everyone, but let's say Bill de h?ra) a "blog post." It reads much more like a darn …

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I Am A Demo God

Can't talk about it, but I demo'ed something today. I love it when the chewing gum and baling wire doesn't show.

That was a lot of fun. It's been a long time since I've done a big stakes demo.

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Sopranos Ending: No Spoilers

Ambiguous? Of course. But c'mon, there's clearly one reading that gives David Chase credit for being brilliant.

Having said that -- Could anyone stand watching more than the first 15 minutes of John from Cincinnati? I only made it that far because it was David Milch.

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