"Fritzing" Software Bridges Schematics, Prototypes, PCBs

One of the many things that I haven't had time to pursue this year is a determination to do some hardware hacking. One aspect that's been a challenge is moving between the joy of "stick a wire in a breadboard and see what happens" and schematics (I'm sure for the …

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I'll Meetchoo In Pichu

Well, the day has finally arrived. We're off to hike the Inca Trail and visit Machu Picchu. Extended forecast for Cuzco: rain, rain, thunderstorms, rain, rain, rain.

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Inglorious Basterds: The Celluloid Is Mightier Than The Wehrmacht

Saw the latest Quentin Tarentino movie last night. I actually quite liked "Death Proof" so I didn't see this as any kind of "comeback," as the critics seem to be labeling it.

For 7/8ths of the movie, I was queasy about the trivialization of the Holocaust: a movie about …

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Brilliance From Siggraph: Bokeh-Based Tiny Barcodes

"Bokeh" is a term used by photographers to praise the out-of-focus areas of a photograph.

Researchers at MIT have figured out how to exploit bokeh so that they can read 3mm barcodes with 2.5 micron elements at a distance of 4 meters with an off-the-shelf camera!

The "bokode" dot …

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Inca Trail T-7

Did a final training hike around Lake Geneva the other day. Five hours in the rain with full packs, 14 miles or so. Felt fairly good about it until realizing: "So instead of around a lake, it's 4000' of vertical. Take a break, put your pack on and do it …

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Can you be tone-deaf, but love music?

Researchers say that tone-deafness has a physiological basis: few neural connections between ... uh ... the frammitz and whatzitz lobes.

I think I may be tone-deaf. On the other hand, I may just have been lazy in music classes (I was lazy in all my other classes). I absolutely love music but …

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220 Billion Lines of COBOL? BS

[Update: The first time I read the post, my take was that Jeff Atwood took at face value]{style="color: #ff0000;"} the claim that COBOL is by far the most common programming language in the world. [Subsequently, comments have pointed out he was skeptical. But I still read the post …

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You can embed LaTeX in WordPress?

\\(latex \\pi r\^2\\)

~~Huh. Must be only on WordPress.com~~
[Update]{style="color: #ff0000;"}: Requires the \\(latex \\LaTeX\\) plugin

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Bob Amen: RIP

My coworker Bob Amen was killed in a motorcycle accident on Thursday night, leaving behind a wife and child. He was the IT Director at one of my client's and I spoke with him daily. We'd never met in person, so the only way I really knew him was as …

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Popfly, Microsoft's Innovative Mashup Programmer, Cancelled

From John Montgomery comes word that Microsoft's Popfly project has been cancelled. I was bullish on Popfly, predicting that it would become the power-user's entrance to Silverlight.

I have had a history of wishful thinking about "restoring the bridge between power users and programmers." I think Microsoft's Powershell is incredible …

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