Intel Releases New Threading Tools

I had a preview last week of Intel's new threading products, including "Threading Building Blocks," a C++ runtime library (template-based) that provides high-performance thread-safe data structures. I was very impressed by the slides showing performance:

I look forward to trying out the tools myself.

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(Thin) Book Or Article To Convince CEO Of Agility in Develoment?

I'm ashamed I don't have an answer for this: a client is a CEO who finds himself, after a successful career in the domain, in charge of a company developing software in that domain. Naturally, he is more familiar with traditional project management and when he thinks about what worked …

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8 Planets? 12 Planets? Slow News Day

So now they're saying that Pluto is going to be demoted. A week ago they were saying that Cedna, etc., were going to be promoted. Is anything official yet? Or have things gotten to the point where even science news is the subject of 24-hour cable news speculation? What does …

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Thinking Parallel Blog

I just discovered Michael Sļ's blog on parallel programming. He comments pro and con about my DevX article.

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Article on Using OpenMP with C++/CLI

My latest article on DevX shows how easy it is (in the best case) to use OpenMP with C++/CLI. OpenMP is a low-level library to help create concurrent operations. One of things I talk about in the article is that it is at the finest-grain (loops) and the coarsest-grain …

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Fabian's HDR Photography

My friend Fabian Gonzalez is producing some great images with high dynamic range (HDR) photography:

This is a technique that attempts to reproduce the incredible range of light-to-dark that our vision system integrates. After taking 3 photos (over-, under-, and correctly- exposed) of the same subject (in this case, managing …

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Programmers as Commodities

The answer is \~1.4X. Martin Paulo says it perfectly: "software developers are seen as interchangeable units, with actual hourly cost being the prime driver. The quality of the resultant code, it's correctness and the time taken to deliver it are all intangibles that are left out of the equation …

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Don't Call A Delegate From Within A Critical Section

Before talking about value and reference types and delegates/closures, let me point out that Monitor-based locking has a fundamental flaw when working with delegates (the same flaw that it has with virtual method calls on objects): you can never safely call a delegate inside a lock-block that is holding …

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Did I say "outputted"?

Blogging reminds me constantly of the value of editors. Er... "constantly reminds"...

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Example of Surprising Closure Behavior

::: {style="font-size: 10pt; background: white; color: black; font-family: courier new"} What do you expect to be outputted from this program (note that line 19 captures the outer variable "i")?

[    1]{style="color: #2b91af"} [using]{style="color: blue"} System;

[    2]{style="color: #2b91af"} [using]{style="color: blue"} System.Collections.Generic;

[    3 …

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