Humpback Whale Identification By Deep Learning

OMG I can't believe I missed this competition. It's exactly in line with my whaleshark identification project.

Here's a baby humpback whale that swam up to the boat a few weeks ago. In the second photo you can see it popped it's head up …

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Please: Say "Twin" Networks, Not "Siamese" Networks

I'm a big fan of using a pair of identical networks to create output vectors that are then fed into a network that is trained to judge whether it's two input vectors are the same or different.

This is a powerful technique for "low k-shot" comparisons. Most ML techniques that …

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Ricky Jay R.I.P

Ricky Jay was one of my heroes. I first became aware of him in the pages of the remarkable “Cards as Weapons,” an oversized paperback that I bought at age 13 because it had a few pictures of topless women in it (you really can’t appreciate how much the …

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The Simplest Deep Learning Program That Could Possibly Work

Once upon a time, when I, a C programmer, first learned Smalltalk, I remember lamenting to J.D. Hildebrand "I just don't get it: where's the main()?" Eventually I figured it out, but the lesson remained: Sometimes when learning a new paradigm, what you need isn't a huge tutorial, it's …

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"The Deuce" Stinks. A Rant.

I’m a hair’s-breadth away from declaring that “The Deuce,” HBO’s Sunday night “prestige drama” about flesh-peddling and pornos in Times Square and 42nd Street in the mid-70s, is an exercise in trolling, some kind of meta-level commentary on the lack of drama, characterization, or stakes in, y …

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Writing to Azure Storage With F#

This last weekend I participated in the "Hack for the Sea" hackathon. As part of that, I needed to store images and structured data to Azure Storage. The process is very straightforward using F#'s async capabilities.

First, you'll need the connection string for your Azure Storage:

Use that to …

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Xamarin: You must explicitly unsubscribe from NSNotifications if IDisposable

In Xamarin, if you observe / subscribe to a particularly-named NSNotification in an object that is IDisposable (this includes any class descended from NSObject!), you MUST explicitly unsubscribe from it in your Dispose handler, or you will get a segfault (the system will attempt to call a method at a memory …

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Deep Whalesharks

Whalesharks are the largest fish in the ocean, but very little is known about their movements (where they breed, for instance, has been a huge mystery, although there's now pretty good evidence that some, at least, breed in the Galapagos).

Whalesharks have a "fingerprint" in the form of distinct spots …

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I Didn't Like "Enlightenment Now"

They say to never write a negative review of a book until it has received too many positive ones. Which brings us to “Enlightenment Now: The Case For Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress,” by Steven Pinker.

The tl;dr is that he doesn’t actually argue this case, he just …

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fun-ny Faces : Face-based Augmented Reality with F# and the iPhone X

fun-ny Faces : Face-based Augmented Reality with F# and the iPhone X

Each year, the F# programming community creates an advent calendar of blog posts, coordinated by Sergey Tihon on his blog. This is my attempt to battle Impostor Syndrome and share something that might be of interest to the community …

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