Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-14

  • Watched the SuperBowl with 2hr time-delay because I was u/w hearing whales and watching tuna destroy a baitball. Hawaii no ka 'oi! #
  • Beaker singing "Dust in the Wind" : #
  • Mathematica users: How apply a function n times recursively, where n = Log[2,Length[list]]? i.e …
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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-02-07

  • Are there any shows on the Discovery Channel that are NOT narrated by Mike Rowe? #
  • Resolved: Pair programming is NOT a good idea when learning an API. Debate? (Pair prog is BEST way to learn an API?) #
  • Colorado Springs going to cut 1/3 of streetlights to aid city budget …
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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-31

  • Gorgeous AM -- Southern Cross, Scorpio rising -- before dropping Tina off at KOA for biz trip to HNL. #
  • Surprisingly un-blown-away by iPad. I like the keyboard dock (can I get that for my iPhone) and lower-than-expected \$, but otherwise... #
  • Vog-free days are bittersweet: Fracking gorgeous reminder of how oppressive the vog is …
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Tablet PC Programmer Responds to Apple iPad

The Apple iPad is primarily a device for consuming, not creating, media.

8dc34a183575a2bf28da2c404d6324faI spent several years developing software for Microsoft's Tablet PC, only to be dismayed that the market for such software didn't evolve quickly. As a person who's switched from Windows to OS X for much of my day-to-day …

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Preordering the Apple Tablet



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Amazon to Release Kindle SDK to Battle / Forestall Apple iSlate

Amazon has announced a software development kit for the Kindle. This is clearly an attempt to shore themselves up against the tidal wave of interest that Apple's forthcoming tablet computer is going to generate.

The Kindle is an excellent piece of hardware with absolutely dynamite battery life. It's definitely an …

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