Rails And PHP Are The Access(es) Of The Web

Ted Neward wonders "Where is this decade's Access?" From 2007: same question, For me, Rails was the answer.

There are two issues: one is the ease with which a person with some knowledge can solve some (relatively simple) task (the classic "build a doghouse" project). If I want to build …

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Xanadu Trackbacks

Jeff Atwood's brief post on Ted Nelson's Xanadu ~~failed to~~ mention[ed briefly]{style="color:red"} the aspect of Xanadu that I expected to be worked out by now, which is that links were bidirectional in Xanadu. The closest thing the Web has are trackbacks / pingbacks, which are problematic to …

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Big Island Internet Professionals

One of the great delights about Hawaii is the diversity you get at events where one might expect a niche crowd. At today's Big Island Internet meet-up, there were entrepreneurs, people commending the "global consciousness" enabled by the Internet, and a surprising number of martial artists.
The speaker, Tom Callos …

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Enterprise Development for the iPhone

Novell's MonoTouch makes iPhone development much more appealing for enterprise developers, but enterprise development on the iPhone requires solid database solutions (Want to understand enterprise development? Follow the data).

I have begun investigating DB solutions for the iPhone, by which I mean solutions whereby the iPhone can access the big …

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Roadside Geology? There's an App for That

If I lived in AZ, CQ, FL, NY, TX, or WA, I'd have this on my iPhone in two seconds.

Integrity Logic - Geology AZ .

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Wheel won't turn on car left 3 months: Rust or Brake Issue?

Apparently the person who we told to move the car every week didn't. The left rear wheel of my (front-wheel drive) car will not turn; the right turns fine. I jacked up the car and applied considerable leverage to the wheel, but it still won't turn. I took off the …

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Collection Agencies for Deadbeat Clients?

What do you do if a client stiffs you?

Twice in my career, clients have decided not to pay my invoices. Once, after delivering a component, a client seems to have made the simple decision that the amount of my final invoice was less than what it would cost me …

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Back in Hawai'i

The only thing nicer than vacationing in Hawai'i is getting on a plane and realizing that you're going back home... to Hawai'i.

Tina and I spent the Summer in Milwaukee, where her parents live. Unfortunately, the Summer for me was dominated by rotten work developments.

I had planned on doing …

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More photos from Machu Picchu

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="More images from Machu Picchu"]More images from Machu Picchu[/caption]


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Back from Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu Selects (31 Photos)

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