VS2005 November CTP (Standard Edition) now available!

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[The Visual Studio 2005 November CTP (Community Technology Preview) drop is now available on MSDN.  This is actually the FIRST CTP of the Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition (which I announced at VSLive! In Orlando back in September to round out the family of VS2005 products.  This contains support …

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Improved Ink Recognition in Office

Fuhgeddabout desktop search, Microsoft's released improved ink recognition in Office.

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Sims 2 incompatible with tfswctrl Error Message: "Insert correct cd rom"

There are a million people out there struggling with the Sims 2, which has stupid, customer-hostile blocks and guards against all sorts of CD-R software. The symptom is that when you run the program, it tells you to “insert the correct cd rom” (despite, obviously, having the correct cd-rom / dvd …

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How to prolong the life of your device battery

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[I ran across this article recently and quickly realized this is probably the best article about battery technology as it pertains to mobile devices I have seen in a long time.  The article explains the different battery technologies used in devices today and has some excellent tips on how …

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::: {.Section1} Ever had one of those times when you bust your ass for [days]{style="font-style:italic"} getting a Webinar ready and then, when you go to link up to the site, it turns out their network is locked down too tight and there’s nothing anyone can do, even …

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Does this mean they'll finally SHUT UP about it?

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[·]{style="; font-family:Symbol"}  AP: Oracle, PeopleSoft to merge in \$10.3B deal. The agreement, announced Monday, caps a rancorous Silicon Valley feud marked by churlish exchanges between the companies' management teams and colorful courtroom battles.  [Via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Dan Gillmor's eJournal]

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[What this means for the software …

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I Have to Say This ...

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[ Did I tell you the one where the guy from Microsoft calls Bjarne up at home and tells him that if he doesn't make the language left recursive look ahead 1 they wouldn't go ahead with a c++ compiler… [via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Stan Lippman's BLog]]{style=""}

[Uh… No …

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No more apathy

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To battle this, I've decided to take up my own cause: Fighting for children's rights by getting "The Factory Act of 1833" repealed. [Via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Neopoleon.com]

What I love about this is that Rory’s decided to reject apathy by repealing an [English]{style="font-style:italic …

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Beard = success?

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What I want to know about this theory is: what happens if you're someone like me, who cycles between growing a beard and going beardless? Or does it just matter whether your official picture has a beard? I've got one right now, so does that mean I'm doing better …

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Dynamic Languages in Java

::: {.Section1} Tim Bray reports on a summit that Sun held to better understand the needs of the dynamic languages community. It sounds like Sun is recognizing the strength of the “multiple languages, one platform” value proposition that Microsoft has been pushing with .NET. :::

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