Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-01-03

  • Using RAMDisk to Speed Build Times (And it's not an article written in 1988!): #
  • Writing a geotag-reading Twitter Silverlight app #
  • Can everyone who follows me DM @mlbtraderumors and tell them that I should develop their iPhone app? I'm totally serious. I WANT THAT JOB. #
  • Full moon …
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Hau'oli Mahahiki Hou!

2009 was definitely a mixed bag for us, as was, I suppose, the "aughts."In other words, life.

Out with the old:


in with the new!


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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-27

  • Disassembled Webcam, removed lens, Dremeled film canister and enclosure, and voila! Planetary astrophotography cam! Feeling like Macgyver. #
  • Hubble just flew between Moon and Jupiter!!!!! Wow!!!! (right place, right time) #
  • Photo of Hubble passing between Jupiter and Moon (bad exposure, blurry, but what can you do?) #
  • Just …
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AI Systems in Left 4 Dead

Cool presentation.

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Happy Solstice!

It's a tooth-chattering 62 degrees in Hawaii this morning as the Sun reaches its lowest latitude of the year.

Yesterday was a wild one, beginning with a waterspout:

and ending with a beautiful crescent moon near Jupiter.

As I was looking at Jupiter and the Moon in the twilight, I …

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.Net Managed Interface for GPGPU and x64 Multicore Programming with Accelerator from F#

I wish I had time to investigate Accelerator v2, a managed interface for General-Purpose GPU and x64 multicore data-parallel programming. Fun!

Satnam Singh's MSDN Blog : GPGPU and x64 Multicore Programming with Accelerator from F#.

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