Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-21

  • Hadn't heard about the Massa scandal before SNL last night. Now: Happy that I refer to my favorite pastime as "freediving," nor "snorkeling" #
  • LOL: #
  • I love music but \\(380K for HI County brass band is stupid. Defund and let 'em raise funds as …
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Kindle DX Update Improves PDF Experience

A recent update to the Kindle DX answers my #1 complaint about PDF reading on the "big screen" Kindle. Now, the Kindle DX automatically crops the whitespace margins of a PDF file. By removing these "gutters," the reading experience of a portrait-formatted magazine or journal article has been significantly improved …

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Project Manager's vs. Developer's View



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Zeitgeist of Programming Books

This press release, announcing "Learning iPhone Programming" and "Developing Large Web Applications" somehow struck me as perfectly fitting the zeitgeist of the development world today.

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-03-14

  • Signing off so that I can watch the Oscars spoiler-free. Up "Hurt Locker"! Down "Avatar"! #
  • Edward Tufte takes Gov't app't to chair production of reports on recovery spending. #
  • First good rain in Kona in months yesterday afternoon. Cleaned out sky for gorgeous stars and blazing mars …
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