Arrggghghhh!!! Motion ships small-factor Tablet PC while my check for a full-size is in the mail!

Oh, I am freakin' killing myself. I bought an M1400 last freakin' week in order to get a ViewAnywhere screen and Motion ships an 8” diagonal-screen Tablet. I am so severely bummed words can't express...

Not to put too fine a point on it, but I live in Hawaii, see …

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tcserver.exe memory leak fixed!

The most anticipated patch in Tablet PC OS history is now available!

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Movie Meme: Enjoyment of Top-Grossing Movies

Via  *Italicize* the ones you've seen and **Bold** the ones you actually liked.

1. Titanic (1997) - \\(600,779,824 ***2. Star Wars (1977) - \\)460,935,665
3. E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) - \\(434,949,459 ***4. Star Wars: Episode …

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Domain-Specific Language for To-Do Items

So at first you think:

To_Do_Item ::= Done Item
Done ::= boolean
Item ::= String

But then you think:

To_Do_Item ::= Done Item Due
Due ::= DateTime

And then you think:

Due ::= DateTime | RecurrencePattern | DatePattern
DatePattern -- “next Tuesday” “3rd Fridays of the Month” etc...

And you're also thinking:

To_Do_Item …

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Panda Ate My Notepad

My antivirus software just deleted notepad.exe, saying it was adware. I went to Panda's Website to complain / alert them and their support site is filled with broken ASP.NET code. Boy, that really ups my faith in my antivirus solution...

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GooglePal -- Micropayment Breakthrough?

Now that news of Google Payment Corp is public, it's time for rampant speculation, such as: Will people trust Google to be the infrastructure key to micropayments? They're in an excellent position to provide the technology.

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Pixies at Dunkin' Donuts Folkfest

Doesn't that headline read like computer-generated nonsense? And yet, it's true. via []

Dang! Two weeks before I'm doing a NY-Boston trip, too.

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Dangerous hacker

Funniest IRC transcript EVER. via Eric Gunnerson

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Coolest Thing I've Seen In A Bit

I can't talk about it yet, but can you guess what this SmartTag does?

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Monad pulled from Longhorn? Ok, Now I'm Mad

According to Mary Jane Foley, the Monad shell is being unlinked from Longhorn. Maybe it will debut in Exchange 12, maybe not. Now I'm really ticked off. Monad is a command-line shell that, like UNIX shells, is based on a “pipes-and-filters” architecture in which functionality is assembled by recombining a …

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