OneNote and Blogging

Chris Pratley asked for feedback on how blogging from OneNote should appear and my comments became too unwieldy for his comments box:

To dispense with two crucial things: ink support and layout support (i.e., not just tables but the arbitrary positioning of elements in X-Y space a la "real …

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Dave Winer saves Apple^h^h^h^h^hSun

In a comment on Scoble's "persuasion" post, there's a link to this entry by Dave Winer in which he dreams of saving Apple by dint of a \$1 billion checkbook and slavish devotion to software developers. sed/Apple/Sun/ and it's a timely read.

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Persuasion: Best Practices

Scoble asks "How do you persuade?" in which he poo-poos consistent positive statements and talks up authority. It turns out there are scientific studies. According to Robert B. Cialdini's February 2001 Scientific American article "The Science of Persuasion" (my research library can beat up your research library!) the 6 keys …

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.NET Languages: 32, JVM Languages: 181

Omer van Kloeten speculates that the reason no one's asked me about C# on the JVM as part of the Sun-Microsoft agreement is because the JVM is explicitly the "Java" VM and .NET explicitly decoupled language and VM. Let's see: according to Jason Bock there are 32 compilers available for …

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Smalltalk's Beautiful Image

Ted Neward has clued in that one major reason why Smalltalkers are so fond of the language (\<troll>not just because they're nuts, like LISP proponents\</troll>) is Smalltalk's image. The image is quite a revelation: it's the in-memory representation of everything you've ever done in Smalltalk. You can reset …

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According To Cringelynbspthanks Chris Suns Jonat

According to Cringely (thanks, Chris!), Sun's Jonathan Schwartz talks up the Windows API as key to "interoperability" aspects of the MS-Sun agreement. If true (and apparently this is straight from the horse's mouth), Cringely is right to say "...what Sun has actually obtained from Microsoft (beyond the money, of course …

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Taxes, Ear Infection, And The Anal Probe: My Perfect Storm

In celebration of my family history and 40th birthday, from now on I get to have a colonoscopy every five years. When the nurse asked "April 15?" I said "Tax day? Seems appropriate!" And then, just to make sure that I was in prime condition, last weekend I came down …

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James Gosling Blogs About The SunMicrosoft Agreement Its An Interest

James Gosling blogs about the Sun-Microsoft agreement. It's an interesting read in that Gosling rebuts conspiracy theories that are apparently bouncing around the echo-chamber of the "M\$" mob (as a rule, I don't bother reading discussions where that "witticism" is common currency -- as much as I love the amateur programming …

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Phishing For Programmer Interview Questions or Resumes?

I get recruiting emails and phone calls often, and it's not surprising that my spam filter (the fabulous SpamBayes) passes through emails that mention C#, Java, unit testing, and so forth. The other day I received an email that mentioned a programming position and then said, essentially, "Send your resume …

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What Should I ask Danny Thorpe about Delphi?

I've arranged to conduct an email interview with Danny Thorpe, Borland's Delphi Architect. What should I ask him? I've never used Delphi commercially, although I reviewed it a couple of times over the years.

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