A Math/Physics Word Problem

If you are walking from point A to point B in the rain, do you get more or less wet depending on how fast you walk? [Via]{style="FONT-STYLE: italic"} http://www.actsofvolition.com/archives/2004/october/amathphysics 

Pondering this question was the great intellectual challenge of my youth. I …

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"JPEG of Death" spotted -- Patch NOW!

Bad guys have apparently begun exploiting the security hole that can take over a Windows machine simply by displaying an image. This vulnerability requires patching both the OS and Microsoft Office.

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Casting Blame On The Air-Control Outage

Several news sites are beginning to parrot the meme that the root cause of last week's outage of air-control in the Southwest US is Windows Server 2000's “design” to shut down every 49.7 days “to prevent a data overload.“ This isn't true. This is almost certainly referring to the …

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This V1aKr.A Isn't Doing It For Me

Half the Viagra sold over the Internet is fake, according to British scientists. In other news, the budget department of the University of London is very gullible when it comes to funding requests. I'm expecting money for my “Correlation of loneliness to sexual desire in Internet-using housewives,” study any …

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FlexWiki: Another MS Project Goes Common Public License

FlexWiki, a Wiki project by Microsoft Program Manager David Ornstein, has moved from GotDotNet to Sourceforge and changed to a Common Public License. This is the third project after WiX and WTL that MS has placed on SourceForge. Clearly, Microsoft lawyers have worked their way through the CPL and found …

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Crash Analysis Standards

Peter Coffee, eWeek's astute analyst, says that Web Services should have a standard for crash analysis. The two biggest benefits to programmer productivity in the past decade are managed memory and exceptions that generate stack traces. I'm coming up to speed on a customer's system for which I have a …

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Biggest Organism: Big Honkin' Mushroom v. Great Barrier Reef?

There's a Big Honkin' Mushroom in Oregon that covers 2,200 acres and is claimed to be the “largest living organism.” My question is whether a mushroom is a single organism or if it's communal and therefore in the same class as the Great Barrier Reef (which extends for more …

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We know you have a choice of airlines...

I've been doing way too much flying lately.

Have you ever noticed that the pre-flight safety briefing starts with instructions on “how to buckle a seat belt” and moves without pause through “activating your on-board oxygen mask” to “transforming safety slides into liferafts in the case of a water landing …

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IronPython + TabletPC == My New Hobby

Oh yeah, I think I'll continue developing this...

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