My next sport...

Eric Gunnerson links to a video of “tree-skijumping” in which Norwegians, um, skijump into a tree. Oh, what fond memories of “shrub-skateboardstopping” and “bush-swingleaping” this brings back. When I was a kid, I relied on the gentle stopping power of foliage in all my favorite sports. And I have the …

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Tivo HME SDK, Amazon, and Disappointment

So I says to myself “You know what would rock?”:

  1. You're watching Oprah on Tivo (yeah, I know, but bear with me)
  2. You click your little Thumbs-Up a couple times (still bearing with me, right?)
  3. And the Tivo says “People watching this episode of Oprah have bought: 'My Heroic Struggle …
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Tivo HME SDK, Amazon, and Disappointment


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Python Love

::: {.Section1}  Rory picks up on the fact that Python isn’t really object-oriented and wonders if it’s overrated. (But, for Rory, he does so in a very tentative manner. He hardly uses the words “sucks” at all.) Python gets a lot of buzz, but Rory’s criticisms are right …

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I Talk Indigo

My latest column for SD Times praises Indigo's programming model and teachability, but questions some of the areas, such as typing and visibility, where it conflicts with .NET. Did you know that you can expose private methods as public Indigo services? Can that be a good idea?

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Microsoft demos Weasley's clock from Harry Potter

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*[Cory Doctorow]{style=""}*: \< ![if !vml]> \< ![endif]>Simon sez, "At this year's internal Techfest Microsoft Research Cambridge demonstrated a clock surprisingly similar to that on the wall of the Weasley household in the Harry Potter films. I guess it only goes to show: any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from …

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Catastrophic Success

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[If any company spent 5 years developing a browser, and only managed to capture 5% of the market, I think the industry would be analyzine what went wrong.  Firefox, enjoy the honeymoon... [via]{style="font-style:italic"}
[Tech Blender]]{style=""}

Heh. Open Source definitely gets a… well, not a “free …

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Why no Microsoft Reader for Smartphone?

::: {.Section1} Rory wants Reader for his Audiovox SMT5600. Me, too!  :::

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Geek Notes 2005-02-23

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[ XSLTO – Wow. This is a much friendlier way to do XSLT – in C#. I’m with Craig on this one… less XML-as-a-programming-language. [Via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Geek Noise]]{style=""}

Suh-weet! :::

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Plasmonics, Schmasmonics!

Everyone is all abuzz about plasmonic invisibility, which renders things invisible by preventing them from scattering light. But if you actually read the preprint it's predictably far from a Romulan cloaking device. First, it only cloaks objects that are about the same size as the wavelength of the radiation hitting …

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