van Rossum goes Google?

::: {.Section1} O'Reilly's Jeremy Jones is reporting that Guido van Rossum, creator and lead developer of the Python programming language, is now working for Google\< ?xml:namespace prefix = o />.

My immediate reaction was "Not Heinemeir Hansson?" (The creator of Ruby on Rails, the much more buzzword-y framework for Web apps).

Seriously …

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King Kong: Good Movie, But the FX Aren't The Best

I liked King Kong quite a bit, and I'll say that the special effects of Kong's face are the best I've ever seen. But in most of the action scenes, I thought the effects were a notch below Lord of the Rings. The dinosaur chase scene I thought was really …

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Getting Sacked The Week Before Christmas

CMP, a major trade publisher, laid off a bunch of people in their software development publishing group on Friday, including blindsiding a five-month pregnant editor who'd worked there for more than a decade. Ah, corporate America!

I suspect that at least two well-known but ad-challenged magazines are going to shut …

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Logic programming with Iterators

::: {.Section1} [Wesner Moise has a fantastic blog post on how iterators and Expressions can be used to implement backtracking:]

It turns out that it is possible to implement logic programming in C\# natively through the use of iterators.  
grandparent(x, z) :– parent(x, y), parent(y, z).
 parent(jebbush, gpbush …
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The Dismal Failure of XSLT

XSLT is used to transform one XML document into another. The canonical example is the transformation of a data-oriented XML document into a XHTML document formatted for reading in a browser. However, the evolution of dynamic Web sites has clearly favored procedural programming to get the data (ASP, PHP, etc …

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Too Twisted: Text Entry via Tilting Toshiba!

Seb Wills has hooked the accelerometers in the Toshiba M200 to control the Dasher text-input system (in which letters gradually slide from right-to-left and your vertical motion selects them). Fantastic!

One of the most interesting things about the Tablet PC is all the ways we search for alternate input techniques …

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IronPython in Visual Studio CTP available

Microsoft has just released a CTP with the first version of IronPython / Visual Studio integration:

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MSBuild tasks for Subversion access

The msbuildtasks project at has written tasks for MSBuild that include Subversion commit, update, checkout, etc. Also, they have an FTPUpload that double definitely come in handy. Fantastic!

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MSBuild: Determine Available Tasks and Outputs

It can be hard, when using MSBuild, to know what Tasks (aka Targets aka functions) are available, especially when using the built-in .targets files associated with the compilers. So, I wrote a custom Task that iterates over all the other Tasks that are currently loaded and outputs their [Output] properties …

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Saddam "refuses to appear"? WTF?

Okay, totally off-topic, but how can a prisoner refuse to appear at his own trial? And then he gets a two-week delay of the trial? This does not bode well for establishing the supremacy of the rule of law. Talk about "contempt of court."

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