Computers Suck

Today, during my 692nd hour SCUBA diving, my life was jeopardized by a computer malfunction. I was trying out a new piece of equipment, an air-integrated diving computer, that replaces a "conventional" dive computer (used to track safety relating to "the bends") and two analog devices: the depth gauge and …

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Draw Draw Revolution

Do I have to say anything more to explain my Tablet PC game idea?

For those who haven't been in an arcade for the past few years, "Dance Dance Revolution" is one of the greatest games of all time. You have to move your feet in synchrony with directional arrows …

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Simon Phipps Repurposes Yahoo Groups as a blog

Given Yahoo's infrastructure, this is very clever. But I don't think Yahoo Groups yet provides an RSS feed. But surely that's only a matter of time.

P.S. Phipps clarifies that he didn't call OS opponents Luddites or, if he did, he didn't mean it in the popular sense of …

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Equal opportunity FUD from Sun

Simon Phipps says that those who oppose Open Source are Luddites. So is Simon saying that Jonathan Schwartz is a Luddite when he says that Sun must maintain control of the Java compatibility tests?

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The sad state of Tablet PC gaming

So there are games for the tablet. The problem is that the majority of them have something to do with words and writing. Granted, since ink is the big thing, it makes sense, but how many Scrabble and crossword clones can you have? Let's see something innovative.

For example, Toshiba's …

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Laptops making tablets un-cool?

"...a couple of grad students at USC's business school who hate their's gotten so laptop-friendly there, that people with tablets never use the inking feature...." .... will the Tablet PC only succeed in a convertible form, sheepishly masquerading as a "laptop with benefits"?... via [Tabula PC]

According to Microsoft's …

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Oh Man Where Are My Editors When I Need Them I Just Sent An Email That Said That A Polite Conversation Was Markedly Gentil

Oh man, where are my editors when I need them? I just sent an email that said that a polite conversation was "markedly gentile." Bwahahahahahaha... I blame Mobile, Alabama. (I once pronounced the word "sublime" as "suh-bleem" and was teased by a friend who said "Why in the world would …

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Tims Chemistry Exam What I Find So Wonderful About This Is That Today I C

Tim's Chemistry Exam : What I find so wonderful about this is that today I couldn't do any better even though once upon a time I kicked ass in chemistry lectures (I sucked in chemistry labs because I was too impatient to get the weights / volumes exactly right).

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Could You Make A Blimp From An Aerogel Created With Helium

Could you make a blimp from an aerogel created with helium?

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Who's paying for Open Source FUD-Sowing?

I just received a press release titled "Why Open Source Can't Meet Mass-Market Demands," from a group called the Institute for Policy Innovation which identifies itself as "a non-partisan, public-policy organization." (It's easy to determine that the IPI was founded by Dick Armey and is primarily a pro-free-trade group, I …

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