Maltese Falcon Stolen; $25,000 reward stolen.

An "official replica" of the movie bird was stolen from a restaurant in San Francisco.

The reward would be higher, but with a dollar of this, you can buy ten dollars of talk.

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More on OpenID, FOAF, and Trackback

Dmitry Shecthman, who knows more about OpenID than I do, doesn't get why OpenID is important to making FOAF the validation route for Trackback. Here's my thinking, which has a 90% chance of being wrong (based on historical averages):

FOAF looks like this:

<foaf:Person>  <foaf:name>Leigh Dodds</foaf …
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FOAF, OpenID, and Trackback

Is a limited recursion through a FOAF graph based on OpenID the solution to Trackback? If that sentence isn't understandable, don't worry about it, but if it parses, continue...

The big problem, of course, is the initial trackback from those outside the limits of the graph. In such a case …

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John Lam (ex-RubyCLR, now Microsoftian) Hints At Forthcoming Announcement

John Lam, whose RubyCLR bridge led to a position in Microsoft's CLR team, hints that an announcement on his project (my guess, X:Ruby::C#:Java) will be forthcoming. Sadly, he hedges as to whether it will be MIX or PDC. Of course, I'll be going to PDC, but if …

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If OOXML is Relevant, Why Is MS Unable to Provide Macintosh Converters?

Alan Zeichick relates what happened when the first .docx file was sent to BZ Media, a company that runs primarily on Macs. Microsoft says that everything's just swell:

We are running on target and expect to release a free public beta version of the file format converters in Spring 2007 …

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Detailed Terrain Map By Walking Around With a GPS?

My house is built on a bit of a ridge between two gullies (well, two collapsed lava tubes -- I do live on the side of an active volcano, after all). Grand plans include decks and terraces, but I can't envision them without a plan. Of course, I could hire surveyors …

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First Look: Komodo 4 for Ruby Programming

It's been a good couple weeks for Ruby IDEs. First, Ruby In Steel was released. Pretty much simultaneously, ActiveState releasedKomodo 4 with support for Ruby.

Komodo is a significantly "weightier" IDE and Ruby is just one of the many languages it supports. It is, I suppose, more akin to …

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Gunnar Peterson on Message-Level Security

Gunnar Peterson, responding to my posts on REST, says we cannot punt on message-level security. He cites 3 security breaches as evidence that the "the 1995 security model" of "firewall, SSL, and a prayer" won't cut it. However, I don't believe that any of these breaches would have been thwarted …

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Service-Oriented Systems That Actually Do Something

Sam Gentile says:

[W]hen people bitch about WS-*, I don't get how its not obvious that "the main characteristics of Web services is communication over unreliable communication channels such as the Internet employing unreliable data transfer protocols such as HTTP, SMTP and FTP" and many of us need things …

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Turing Award Recipient Jim Gray Missing At Sea

Jim Gray, who did fundamental work on transaction processing and won theTuring Award, is missing off California's Farallon Islands. The good news is that weather has been good and he was sailing in a 40' yacht, which ought to provide ample shelter for a few days. The bad news is …

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