Defending C# (and .NET's) Garbage Collection

I read Bryan Flamig's criticism of C# via Loren. Bryan voices a common criticism of C#'s garbage collection (the criticism actually would apply to all languages that don't go beyond the default memory management model of CLR, but let's just continue to use C# as the example): in C …

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To type or not to type

My take on the debate of whether typing is needed in a language. Rather than taking sides, I revert to my previous incarnation as a philosopher, and try to see what we are really talking about when we seem to be talking about types. via [Artima Weblogs]


p dir="ltr …

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All Media Should Be Timeshifted

ReplayTV...I love download into MS lectures and playing them back at 1.5 speed...All media should be timeshifted. *All* *media*. via [Marquee de Sells: Chris's insight outlet]

I don't even have a PVR and I agree. One of my many, many side-projects is writing a .NET CF RSS …

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Peter is floored by InfoPath prerelease

Peter just messaged me: "Hands down, InfoPath (prerelease version) is microsoft's coolest ink app, after onenote." I can't wait to read his comments on his blog.

OK. That settles it. I'm downloading the prerelease InfoPath even if that means I have to reinstall everything later. Here goes nothing... via [Incremental …

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10 Songs I Didn't Choose

As seen at adimiron's place:

Step 1: Open your mp3 player. (iTunes here)
Step 2: Put all of your music on random.
Step 3: List the first ten songs it plays, no matter how embarrassing.

via [The .NET Guy]

Stuck In A Moment You Can't Get Out Of" -U2

"Get …

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Strong AI Smackdown -- Seriously, This Time

The January '04 CACM's lead letter is a smackdown of Hans Moravec and the concept that more MIPS is the path to AI. (When really it's spam that will lead to AI.) Anyway, the author tersely makes the excellent points that people such as Moravec are again making the argument …

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Nemerle is a new hybrid (functional, object-oriented and imperative) programming language for the .NET platform.

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Making sense of ASP.NET Paths

An excellent blogicle (blog article) describing each of the paths in ASP.NET, and what they actually point to. via [Kent Sharkey's blog]

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Office 2003/XP Add-in: Remove Hidden Data

With this add-in you can permanently remove hidden and collaboration data, such as change tracking and comments, from Word 2003/XP, Excel 2003/XP, and PowerPoint 2003/XP files. 
via [Early Adopter Weblog]

Everyone needs this add-in. In the past 6 months, I've received 3 Press Releases with embarassing …

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[Finalization is expensive.[ ]{style="mso-spacerun: yes"} It has the following costs...\<snip of 2, 930 additional words>... [Subject to all of the above, we guarantee that we will dequeue your object and initiate a call to the Finalize method.[ ]{style="mso-spacerun: yes"} We do not guarantee that your Finalize method …

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