Longhorn to be 64-bits only?!?!?!

Tech Blender points to this rumor that Longhorn will require 64-bit hardware. You know, one of the fairly easy lessons to draw from the 16- to 32-bit change is that it happened too late, that there was a great deal of pain because everyone tried to live with side-by-side APIs …

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TIP hooks would hook developers (and users)

What would you do if you had more programmatic access to the Tablet PC TIP? [Via]{style="FONT-STYLE: italic"} [Incremental Blogger]

I think the general answer to this is that I want to be able to control the TIP via something awfully close to Backus-Naur Form. Here’s a classic …

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Shark Programming?

Loren noted that what my video of Pynk programming really demonstrates is that it takes me 1:23 to handwrite “eval(io.Ink.Strokes.ToString())”. Too true. I've been thinking a lot about how to evolve Pynk and, although my first priority is making the “just plain text” interactive console …

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Oh, _that's_ why he doesn't return my emails...

According to Steve Ballmer, Bill Gates receives 4,000,000 emails per day. (via Alice and Bill)

You know, somehow I think that after the fabulous spam-filtering technology of Microsoft Exchange and Outlook, there might, just might, be human eyes between billg@microsoft.com and the man himself.

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Speech recognition circa 2004

If you've never tried dictation, you can get a sense of how it works by watching a ~~video~~ screencast I made shortly after I installed Version 8 of NaturallySpeaking. The out-of-the-box experience was dramatically better than before [via]{style="FONT-STYLE: italic"} [Jon's Radio]

Not long ago I had a chat …

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Screencast, Tablet PC, C#, Python, and Scoble Doesn't Link To Me: What's A Guy Got To Do?

Sheesh, I do a screencast (which is just like a podcast, only even more hip and cutting edge) of a Tablet PC program that I wrote in C# of an IDE that allows you to program your Tablet PC in Python and I don't get a traffic bump from Scoble …

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The Da Vinci Coder

When you're struck with writer's block, you're supposed to just write anything. This is what I just churned out instead of my next column:

I was awakened by my phone. You got used to that living on The Big Island. It's already noon on Wall Street by the time the …

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Theory of Fun PDF

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*[Cory Doctorow]{style=""}: I reivewed Raph Koster's brilliant Theory of Fun book (think of it as an Understanding Comics for games) here before, and now I'm delighted to see that Raph's posted a tremendous, graphic-rich picture-book in PDF format detailing the notions from the game. 4.7MB PDF Link …

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Outsourcing to Kona

I love the idea of outsourcing to rural parts of the country[via]{style="FONT-STYLE: italic"} [Marquee de Sells: Chris's insight outlet]

As a person who’s “outsourced“ himself, first to :45 minutes from San Francisco and now to 3,000 miles from the mainland, there’s a certain temptation …

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Getting My Hopes Up On Episode 3

Dammit. The trailer for Star Wars 3: The Revenge of the Sith, actually looks good! I just know I'm going to get my heart broken again...[via]{style="FONT-STYLE: italic"} [Marquee de Sells: Chris's insight outlet]

Dang, it does look good. Mostly because it features 3 characters from the original …

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