Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-18

  • Thought Experiment: All songs sold on the iTunes store must be originally composed on a piano, organ, or guitar. #
  • "Tiberius Cologne" Set odor on stunning! #
  • Facebook now lets you @-dress tag someone and then emails you the comments to that post. Spam countdown: 10, 9, 8 …
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eBook Annotations Should Be Optional

Having just finished Cormac McCarthy's "Blood Meridian" -- a book which in two typical pages produces the words: "squailed," "vadose," "bated" (not in it's normal sense), "terra damnata," "carreta," "monocline," "sleared," "rebozos," "fusil," and "clackdish" -- I have an opinion on this post from O'Reilly on eBook Annotations

The only thing worse …

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Rats Are Smart Players of Prisoner's Dilemma

This is thought-provoking:

Does this imply that rats form a mental model of their opponent's agency?

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Impressive: C++ Lambdas via Template Metaprogramming

U. Utah's Matt Might has implemented lambda expressions in C++, so for instance:

    Function2<int,int,int> h(int a, int b) {
     return lambda<int> (x,y) --> a*x + b*y ;

the value of h(3,4)(1,1) is 7.

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Is It "All About The Framework"?

This thought-provoking post on /dev/why!?! argues that backward compatibility is the root cause of the new iPhone restrictions. The argument is summed up in this quote:

I can think of incidents where Apple reverted OS changes, dumped new APIs, or was forced to committing massive engineering resources to something …

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Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-04-11

  • Remember the Milk is hiring a Scala programmer: #
  • Worrisome new rule for iPhone / iPad causing discussion on #monotouch -- consensus seems to be that MonoTouch is fine. #
  • More scary stuff from new iPhone SDK license: ""Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C …
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"Originally Written in..." vs. Code Generation

My assertion that the iPhone license phrase "Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript as executed by the iPhone OS WebKit engine" can only mean zero code generation has been questioned. Here's why I stand by that assessment (and consider the clause beyond the pale).

Let …

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