Blogs & Wikis == New Moderated Discussion Possibilities?

Hmm, David Ansen of Newsweek is starting a monthly moderated discussion of his favorite movies. Ansen isn't my favorite movie critic, so I'm not particularly interested in the particulars of his group, but it does seem to me that the explosion of interest in blogs, wikis, and podcasts has …

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Microsoft is building a managed-code OS

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Singularity is a cross-discipline research project in Microsoft Research building a managed code operating system. This technical report describes the motivation and priorities for Singularity. Other technical reports describe the abstractions and implementations of Singularity features.  [Via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Microsoft Research Publications]


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Code Camp Manifesto

My Developer Evangelist Thom Robbins has laid down the Code Camp Manifesto. This is yet another proud example of the NE Area Community leading in the world of .NET and Microsoft related community activities. Bravo. BTW, here is the Code Camp site.  [via]{style="FONT-STYLE: italic"} [Sam Gentile's Blog]

Hmmm …

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Let's hear it for the independents!

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Christopher Hawkins takes on Joel Spolsky. Stands up for independent consultants. [Via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger]

[Apparently, Joel pooh-poohed 1-person consultancies, saying “It's just having a job. Another job like everyone else. You're not independent…” Really? Gee, I took six weeks off this year while I …

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Blogs, employment, and personae

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Ellen Simonetti: I was fired [from Delta Airlines] for blogging. Michael Gartenberg reacts. [via]{style="font-style:italic"}
[Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger]

[Gartenberg’s reaction boils down to the fact that (a) it’s not as simple as that – Simonetti’s firing seems to have more to do with her …

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Draft Tablet PC Game SDK spec up

3Leaf have posted an initial draft of their spec for Arcs of Fire and the Tablet PC SDK:

Check it out here.


p class=ngrelatedlinks> The key seems to be the development of pen “trajectory” classes, which will presumably provide …

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Office Ink Improvement? Anyone See Anything?

According to Microsoft's Frank Gocinski, "Microsoft Office has shipped their context manifests for the Tablet PC Platform [December 16], they are available at

Contextual Awareness is a key part of the Tablet PC 2005 O/S, it enables applications …

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A Gaggle of Information on Self Publishing

[Scott on Writing] reports on Brian Bischof and his page on the ins and outs of self-publishing, which Brian calls Self-Publishing Tips.  Along with this makes for very interesting reading.

Although I think my book-writing experience was particularly horrible, anecdotal evidence seems to show …

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3d sketching on the Tablet PC

[This is real cool, Arin pointed us to the work Cornell Computational Synthesis group is doing around freehand sketching. The project is called 3-D Journal and it’s a demonstration of live sketching, written specifically for TablePC in C#.]{style="FONT-FAMILY: Tahoma"}

The site at Cornell is [here]{style="FONT-FAMILY …

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Chris Sells Falls Drinks the Snorkeling Kool-Aid

…snorkeling rocks!... my first snorkeling expedition ever. At first, I was blown away at the clarity of what I could see under the water and the ease with which I could breath (I expected to swallow a lot of water). Then, I was completely freaked out at the shear number …

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