BodyMedia Fit vs. Heart Rate Monitor

According to my stationary bike, I just burned 497 calories.

According to my heart rate monitor, I just burned 412 calories.

According to my BodyMedia Fit, I just burned 199 calories.


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On Being Wrong 100 Times Per Day

My latest column for SD Times argues that the faster you admit you're wrong, the better a programmer you'll be.

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Flex/AIR for iOS Development Process Explained! | Devgirls Weblog

Flex/AIR for iOS Development Process Explained!

Although I personally use MonoTouch for iOS programming, if you happen to know Flash / Flex / AIR, it's finally possible. My advice, though, is that if you're going to be programming for iOS, you should learn Objective C and then use an alternative language …

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Knowing Scala (Intermission)

I'm getting to the point in my Scala understanding where I'm making small commits to our Very Important Project at work. I ended up wasting four hours of work the other day because I put stuff in the wrong place and then spent a lot of time reorganizing things. In …

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Advice From An Old Programmer

Advice From An Old Programmer — Learn Python The Hard Way, 2nd Edition.

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Programming as a profession....can be a good job, but you could make about the same money and be happier running a fast food …

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Computer Science Grads Get Most Job Offers

According to this release, Computer Science majors had the highest percentage of job offers of any major.

I have to admit to being somewhat surprised at this, as I thought the trend toward offshore development was still driving down the market for young developers.

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Wordless Wednesday: Can You Guess What This Is?

Answer: [[It's a "wireless remote streetlight switch" used by a local amateur astronomer as an amusement (but, of course, never, EVER to actually use!). Apparently, streetlights have a photosensor, and if one has a small laser, a nice spotting telescope, and sufficiently rigid mount, one could (but never, EVER actually …

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The Web Is a Customer Service Medium (

A good article holding that "Why wasn't I consulted?" is the fundamental mindset on the Web: The Web Is a Customer Service Medium (

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Is C3 the Secret Sauce for Windows 8 Programming?

This MSR paper describes an HTML/CSS/JS platform that seems to tie in with Microsoft's recent conspicuously-not-mentioning-.NET talk of Windows 8. This paper is still in a conference proceedings, so it wouldn't seem on the verge of productization, but there are so many questions raised by Microsoft's recent …

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