Vista CTP 5231 Installed and Running

Ah hah! The latest Vista CTP installed very cleanly. The first thing I noticed was that it took me minutes and minutes to figure out how to add files to Windows Media Player.

As I post this, I am surprised to see that the HTML-editing \<textarea> is not the WYSIWYG-style …

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IronPython + WPF (Avalon)

Greg Kerr just posted a WPF app written in IronPython to the mailing list. Very, very cool.


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Ward Cunningham Abandons Microsoft, Joins Eclipse

::: {.Section1} [Via …this link from announcing that Ward is going to be joining the Eclipse Foundation…]{style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:Arial;color:navy"}

[Ward Cunningham’s joining Microsoft was (rightly) touted by that company as a bit …

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Ironman + Geeking Out On Mauna Kea: A nice day in Hawaii

::: {.Section1} [\< ?xml:namespace prefix = o />We went down to the start of the Ironman yesterday morning. It's a great spectacle: 1800 athletes all of whom intend to do something that I couldn't possibly accomplish. The race begins at 7:00 and the cut-off for finish is midnight, so you have …

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CTP Madness Part Eleventy Gazillion

::: {.Section1} [I needed to install Visual Basic on my development Tablet but the VS2005 RC installer blew up when I tried to do that, so I ended up uninstalling Whidbey, but before I could install the RC, I also had to uninstall SQL Server 2005. And then, when everything gets …

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Googlieve: v. tr. To have faith in a Google return

To accept as true the results of a prominent Google return: I googlieve the wavelength of red light to be 650nm. See also: googlief.

Googlief has a complex relationship with belief, as one might accord a googlief of something like wavelengths a higher belief than one's vague recollections, but on …

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Julie Lerman's "Persisting Ink on the Web" article is a must-read

::: {.Section1} ["Persisting Ink on the Web" walks through each of the following tasks: ]{style="font-size:12.0pt"}

  • [Transferring Ink to another Ink-Enabled Control on the Same Page]{style="font-size:12.0pt"}
  • [Transferring Ink to an Ink Control on Another Page in a New Browser Window]{style="font-size:12.0pt"}
  • [Moving …
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Animated icons in Visual Studio / WinForms using GIFs

::: {.Section1} [I just found out you can use animated GIFs in Windows Forms applications – “it just works” when you set the [Image]{style="font-weight:bold"} property of a [PictureBox]{style="font-weight:bold"} to an animated GIF. Good to know. ]{style="font-size:10.0pt; font-family:Arial"} :::

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New music

I'm not surprised that I like Neil Young's Prairie Wind and Beck's Guero.

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Things I've Been Noticing About Spam

Looks like either they've broken the CAPTCHA methods used by das Blog, or people are hand-posting comment spam.

I think that email spam may be using keywords derived from my blog as part of their randomly generated subject lines. That's a clever way to get around any Bayesian filter.

I …

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