The New Standard For Excellence in Software Management

"Our scheduling and predictability on this project has been better than it was on OS 360." -- Bill Gates, August 27, 2004

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Rearranging the Longhorn Pillars

Just got off the phone with John Montgomery and Bill Schultz of Microsoft regarding today's announcements re. Longhorn. The official word is that they're announcing 3 things:

  1. Longhorn client will be "broady available" sometime in 2006;
  2. The Avalon (display) and Indigo (communication) subsystems of Longhorn will become available sometime to …
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Test of das blog

This is now running dasblog.

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Did You Miss Me You Didnt Even Notice I Was Gone Did You Sniff Well I Now Live In Haw

Did you miss me?

You didn't even notice I was gone, did you?


Well, I now live in Hawaii, and you don't, so there!

But it's kind of lonely...

... Hey, next time you come to the Big Island, let's have lunch!

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I love you, man! Here's two billion dollars! -- Sun explains MS relationship

This is a funny flash movie they played at JavaOne explaining the Sun-Microsoft relationship.

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Visual Studio for hobbyists announcement this week?

According to Mary Jo Foley, Microsoft is going to announce an "Express" version of Visual Studio this week targetting hobbyists and students. A few months ago, I wrote that such a thing would be a great idea.

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When Think Tanks Ad Hominem Attack

Tim Lambert's When Think Tanks Attack does a good job of exposing Microsoft attempts at Astroturfing (paying for the appearance of "grassroots" movement). Sure enough, Microsoft hired as their chief lobbyist one of the directors of a particular think-tank that I questioned about three months ago (I'm not going to …

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Do computers sell themselves? What about Tablets?

Evan couldn't resist and adds his two cents to the continuing conversation about improving Tablet sales and seeking Tablet nirvana.

via [Incremental Blogger]

A common theme is that, with a slate or a convertible in tablet mode, a Tablet just looks like a screen showing a screen saver. So how …

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What Happens In Vegas, No Longer Goes On In Vegas

My old buddy Eric Faurot (we used to work together on the Software Development Conferences) cancelled Comdex.

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Gates talks to employees, causes furor

via [Scobleizer: Microsoft Geek Blogger]

Sara Ford got a four-word email from Bill Gates (in response to an email from her) and apparently this is cause for celebration, skepticism, and general up-roar-ary. That's extremely disturbing. Gates' is the boss\^h\^h\^h\^h ... er... "Chief Software Architect" of a 50 …

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