Indigo A-B-C

In a previous post, I mentioned Indigo's "A-B-C" programming mantra as one of the technology's greatest strengths. "A-B-C" stands for "Addressing, Binding, Contract" and is Microsoft's way of teaching the concerns of connected systems:

  • Addressing: Where can I find the service?
  • Binding: How is the service expressed across the wire …
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Some doubts about Indigo

In general, I'm quite impressed with Indigo. I like all sorts of things about it. But I have some doubts...

Indigo presents a programming model that is quite different from that of the CLR. The CLR's programming model is what you might call “classic OOP.” Object's become instantiated with a …

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Jonathan Edwards' Thought-Provoking Subtextual Demo

Jonathan Edwards gives a demo of subtextual (17 minute stream), a programming language that is very close to the type of graph-structured language that I've been imagining for the Tablet PC. The main difference is that he's figured out how to cleanly allow his language to have cycles, which stymied …

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Microsoftian Ponders Turning Tables On The Press

John Montgomery muses “Every day members of the press get to write about their interactions with Microsoft -- often interactions with me. What would happen if I blogged about my interactions with them?”

Naturally, as a potential target for his evaluations, I’m against it.

Actually, I [wish]{style="font-style:italic …

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Second Pynk (Python + Ink) Article Now Available

My second article on Pynk (my ink-based Python interactive console) is now available on DevX.

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Pen tilt and in-air Z information

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Casey Chesnut wants pen tilt.

Yep, the Tablet PC API already supports pen tilt information, but as of yet none of the hardware does. [Via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Incremental Blogger]

[Additionally, the API support “in-air Z” – how far from the digitizer surface is the stylus. Another unique capability that …

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Casey Chesnut: Genius (AND | OR) Evil ?

Casey Chesnut used a neural network to defeat comment-spam CAPTCHAs and used his software to auto-post a polite “Sorry, you've been 0wned, here's how I did it” comment on 90+ blogs. Apparently, some people have their comment system linked to hairs up their asses and Furor Has Erupted (tm). “He …

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MS Internal Coding Guidelines

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Internal Coding Guidelines posted by Brad Abrams [via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Cook Computing]

Not completely to my taste (if you reject Hungarian notation, why should interface names be prefixed with an “I”?), but definitely helpful. :::

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Tablet PC Bug Fills Computer With Ink

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[The Register has a good piece on a bug that floods a tablet PC's memory until it conks out. Here's what they said: "The culprit is the application Tabtip.exe [via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Alice and]]{style=""}

Sigh. The Tablet PC definitely has … issues … with memory management …

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