Notes from Gates Knighting

My notes on Bill Gates knighthood ceremony finally were posted on Friday.

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However, everyone knows if you're a plagiarist

A comedy writer named Nate Kushner received an IM from a college student, who commissioned him to write her a paper on Hinduism. Because it’s on Hinduism, Kushner could refer to such things as the “Shudahelupta class,” without necessarily alerting the student that she was turning in a patently …

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casey chesnut (genius) converts ink to svg

Converting Journal Notes to XML, SVG, and OneNote [via ]{style="FONT-STYLE: italic"}[\< ?xml:namespace prefix = o />]

This is the kind of ruthless competence that gives a bad name to the rest of us writers.

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Swimming with Dolphins

Yesterday, the ocean was flat as a pancake, so I called pau hana at 2 and Tina and I went down to 2-Step. As soon as we got there, we could see a big pod of dolphins in close to the reef edge. Better still, we had our best freediving …

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WTF: The Responsible Guy

::: {.Section1} The Daily WTF is always great, but this Perl script is priceless. I’ve got to come up with something like this to send to my editors when I blow a deadline. (The original post accidentally left the guilty party’s real email in the listing. I obfuscated it …

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Scoble Collapses Under Weight of 1,500 Blogs

Spending “three to eight hours per day” on his link blog has overwhelmed Scoble. It's a little unclear how blogging is incorporated into the Microsoft workday; it appears that while Microsoft has a commendable “blogging is good” attitude, I think it's supposed to be done on your own time (I …

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IronPython Reloaded: Jim Hugunin Not Dead Yet!

IronPython 0.7 has been released and placed into a GotDotNet workspace. I spoke with Jim Hugunin yesterday about the release. He says that it is essentially a minor upgrade to IronPython 0.6; the real news is that he is going to become more active in the project. He …

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[Infected by Brad Wilson]{.556184619-22032005}

You're stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?
[“The idea is you memorize a book and repeat it over and over again until your grandchildren run from the room whenever you open your mouth and start quoting, 'Mr. Popper's Penguins,' or …

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A Challenge For Amazon's Customer Service

So last night I signed up for “Amazon Prime,” which provides “all you can eat” express shipping for a year for \$79. This is a great deal for me now that I live in Hawaii, since media mail to Hawaii can take weeks.

So I dropped a couple books in …

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