Relational programming languages redux

Chris Woofruff wonders if Python's built-in facility for dictionaries / associative arrays satisfies Ted Neward's desire for relational language extensions. I'm not 100% sure, but I don't think so. To me, Ted's post jumped off the idea of relational operators creating new types (although Ted didn't explicitly discuss it): 

relvar[person …
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Building the next new language

Ted Neward wants relational language extensions:

Basically, I want the object-relational impedance mismatch to go away, just like everybody else does. But instead of continuing to try to force objects on top of the relational model, how about we give up going in that direction, and instead try lacing relational …

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I'm not a punning guy, but still...

Okay, I admit it. I had hoped for at least one in the "comments" for "sementic web".

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Finally Went Through All The Free Magazines From PDC I Have To Say That I Was Most Impressed By The Content Of A Hrefhttp

Finally went through all the free magazines from PDC. I have to say that I was most impressed by the content of .NET Developer's Journal. (I'm not sure I'd go so far as to say it was better than MSDN Magazine, but that's a known quantity).

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Adapt To Offshoring Or Die Says

Adapt to offshoring or die says Amit Maheshwari on C|Net, "The survivors will be those who embrace offshore operations as yet another opportunity to expand their professional skill set and position themselves as offshore management leaders...."

"Expand your professional skill set" is a polite way to say "abandon your …

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Ontology of WinFS: More important than WS-*?

Peter Coffee sees a move towards standards compliance from Microsoft at PDC via [The Scobleizer Weblog]

In the tiny little world of software development tech journalism, it looks like Microsoft is getting passing grades on the standards issue. Jon Udell's debate with Dare has calmed down (although note that since …

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Sam Gentile disses MC++.

I've given up the MC++/C++ bandwagon completly and can only support it's use when there are no other choices via [Sam Gentile's Blog]


p dir="ltr"> Along with Marc Canter's praise of Longhorn, I take this as the final proof that there were "additives" in those free Cokes at …

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The Sementic Web

"I'm gonna convert my porn collection to WinFS." via [The Scobleizer Weblog]

Hmmm... check the Visio WinFS schema diagram... Nope... The Ontology of Porn: Is a Top-Down Approach Best?

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Microsoft, the witching season, FUD, and courage

Longhorn enters the witching season: "Microsoft products never run as quickly, are more robust, or stay more secure than during this magical period. Every promised feature is present and works perfectly." via [The Scobleizer Weblog]

That quote is supposed to be sarcastic, but it seriously damages the credibility of the …

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