How to Sell Your Book, CD, or DVD on Amazon

[ This link does a good job of detailing the steps necessary to sell on Amazon, which basically boils down to “get a UPC and a barcode: []{lang="en-us"}[[Cool Tools]{.underline}]{lang="en-us"}[]]{lang="en-us"}

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IronPython Resurfacing?


blockquote style='margin-top:5.0pt;margin-bottom:5.0pt'>

[T]he PyCon 2005 keynote session Python on the .NET Platform on Wednesday March 23rd will hopefully coincide with the release a much more complete implementation.  [Via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Cook Computing]

Jim Hugunin has been MIA for months. I talked to …

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Referral Spamming

I was just looking through my server logs to try to see what kind of searches were bringing people on the site. Instead, I saw a whole bunch of inbound links from a particular high-level domain that apparently teaches people how to play poker. Doesn't make sense; I like poker …

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Easy way to draw traffic

Engadget columnist Ross Rubin declares the death of pen computing.

The premise of the column is that pen computing doesn't add enough value. There [is]{style="FONT-STYLE: italic"} value the article claims in diagramming and forms--but this just isn't enough to justify the expensive of providing one. Just use a …

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TabletPC Wiki Article Up

My latest for DevX, on developing an ink-based Wiki, is now available.

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Remote Battery Vampire

I was thinking about the near-future day when the guy in front of me on the plane not only lowers his seat into my lap five minutes into the flight but does so while beginning a six-hour conversation on his cell phone or VOIP connection. Are small but potent electromagnetic …

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Latest SD Times Column Is Up

My latest column, on interviewing at Microsoft and laziness, is up at SD Times.

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Delphi Turns 10

According to David Intersimone, Delphi 1.0 launched 10 years ago today at the Software Development conference. We're currently evaluating Delphi 2005 for this year's Jolt Award for "Languages and Development Environments." Other finalists are: CodeRush, Eclipse, IDEA, JBoss AOP, Python, RealBasic, and Sun Java Enterprise Studio.>

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Turing machine built from model railroad

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[A] group of art-hackers in Vienna's Museumsquartier [has built] a functional Turing machine out of model railway tracks [via]{style="font-style:italic"} [Boing Boing]

Wow. That is just insanely cool. :::

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Arcs of Fire Adds Inkable Forums

For me, the highlight of MWA was insinuating myself into the Arcs of Fire project. I'm not 100% sure that I can start talking about what I'll be doing, but I expect to get some clarification on that soon.

In insanely great coolness, the Arcs of Fire Website contains ink-based …

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