Halo 2 Grosses $100M in One Day

Wow. Just 10 years ago, when Sander Antoniades and I were pitching the idea of Game Developer magazine to our publishing company, we had to have pages of references showing that videogaming was a multibillion industry because no one believed it.

\$100M in a single day is rare air, even …

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Pele on the move

It's really hot when you get this close to magma.

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Yes, I AM "everything to everybody"

You are .* You are a wildcard. You are everything to everybody. You can't make up your mind as to what you want to be.
Which File Extension are You?

I started writing a “What Programming Language Are You?” quiz. My stack crashed while trying to come up with clever ways to determine if someone was more recursive or iterative.

Anyhow, if you want to see a silly little “What Programming Language Are You?“ quiz …

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Kenneth Iverson Dies

Kenneth Iverson, inventor of APL, J, and winner of the 1979 Turing Award (his talk: “Notation as a Tool of Thought“), died last month at the age of 84. Although APL was quite popular, Iverson will be remembered as one who contributed more towards the formal unification of mathematical …

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I think that libertarianism (small 'l' anyway) is the sort of natural instinct of programmers. As a group, I'd say we work hard, believe in an entrepreneurial potential, most of us are in the private sector. We don't have the diversity we could, but we all know that smarts aren't …

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Dems == welfare state?

A “Republican from Idaho“ says: “The biggest problem that Dems have over here is that losts of poeple are small buz owners, not employees. The main industry in this state is agriculture and most people live in small towns. Those are all spots where dems have not been able to …

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Spilt Milk

Well, I avoided political content on this blog for 3 years and just let myself go in the past two weeks, but since I'm actually getting polite discourse, what the heck:

“Libertarian“ asks: .... The people have spoken. The majority of voting Americans sent a message: how out of touch the …

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Aux Displays

Microsoft is now showing prototypes of tablets with auxiliary displays. The idea is that there's some stuff (at the very least, “your next appointment”) that you want to see all the time. The exact definition of what this stuff might be is extremely fuzzy -- for instance, I've heard people say …

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Gloat away, but please do it right...

A commentor has accused me of engaging in "sour grapes." However, sour grapes would be if I said "Well, the Kerry Administration would have sucked, too."

What I'm doing is "crying over spilt milk"

But as far as software development goes, Microsoft is developing a new SDK to promote the …

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Okay, it's kind of political still, but it's funny...

”if you are a senior majoring in computer science and are seriously thinking of leaving the country due to the election results, you might be interested in my international English-language Masters program in parallel and distributed computer systems...”

-- Andrew Tanenbaum, the “votemaster” at www.electoral-vote.com makes the best of …

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