Domain Cookies: Microsoft's Obvious Patent

Microsoft was granted patent 7,039,699 today, which on reading the claims appears to be: use a GUID as a database ID, send it back as a cookie, and share usage data between computers within the domain with access to the central database. The entire claim (that's the important …

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Microsoft, Ruby, and War

In response to a post by Don Box complimenting Ruby, Patrick Logan says: "If Microsoft looks at Ruby as competition> then Microsoft has already lost the war."

I take two possible meanings from Logan's post:

  1. If Microsoft thinks Ruby is important, they're ignoring the threat to them posed by X …
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Sapphire in Steel: Ruby Programming in VS2005

Huw Collingbourne turned me on to Sapphire in Steel, a Ruby programming environment implemented as a VS2005 plug-in: "Ruby In Steel 0.5.12 provides syntax sensitive code colouring and collapsing; a fully integrated interactive console which can be docked within the Visual Studio environment; integrated syntax error handling - click …

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Borland Canning 300 (20%): Implications for DevCo?

The other shoe is dropping.

This was inevitable; one of the "hard decisions" that Borland and DevCo had to face. Still no word on a buyer for DevCo.

"Most of the layoffs will come from a restructuring of Borland's international operations," says the wire and I don't take the news …

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How I Learned To Program, Part 2

It's probably not shocking to hear that as a teen I played Dungeons & Dragons. Rob, the super-cool guy who worked at "Games People Play" (he wore leggings, a buck knife on his belt, and occasionally carried a bo staff. We worshipped him), told me there were some good DMs at …

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How I Learned To Program

John Montgomery is wondering how people learned to program, especially non-professional programmers. Well, some years I make more money writing than programming, so here's my story:

My desire to learn programming was sparked by my Dad bringing home Ted Nelson's "Computer Lib/Dream Machines" -- an oversized paperback that contained cartoons …

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Top 10 Things I've Learned About Computers From The Movies and Any Episode of "24"

  1. Megapixels aren't important: What determines the resolution of a photograph or audio recording is the "enhancement" algorithm run on it. Any image, when run through the proper enhancement, will reveal sufficient detail to recognize a face, read a license plate, etc.
  2. Computer screens output text at 4800 baud and make …
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Lost my PDA, Going Paper-Based...

I'm not a forgetful person, but in the four days before Tina's first surgery, I forgot at various times: my jacket, my credit card (x2), and my Pocket PC Phone Edition PDA. Must have had something else on my mind. I got the jacket and credit cards back, but my …

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Premature Non-Functional Programming the Root of All Evil?

This post by Wesner Moise reminded me of my own post a few weeks back. Basically, the observation is that the "functional programming" paradigm, in which variables are immutable once bound, really seems to have something going for it.

In functional programming, the context necessary to achieve a function is …

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